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LSProject: Too many deer in the deer yard?

Deer weren't always common along the North Shore of Lake Superior.


Warmer but grayer weather coming

A bit warmer than average for this time of year, but with that comes some dreary, gray days. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Kevin Huyck


Conservation officer carries special message to hunter near Gunflint Trail

This fall local DNR Conservation Officer Darin Fagerman had an interesting encounter with a bear hunter in the Gunflint Trail region.


Clinic to launch workplace wellness project

Federal monitors spent time at the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic and there’s a new workplace wellness project that is launching next month.


DNR seeks comments on Grand Marais area lake and stream management plans

People interested in DNR strategies for managing Grand Marais area lakes and streams are encouraged to review current management plans and submit comments for the plans scheduled for review this winte


Emergency responders discuss search and rescue false alarms

After a recent false alarm in our region from an emergency-locator beacon, WTIP's Rhonda Silence took the time to learn more about this technology. 


Cool and dry fall weather ahead

Cool and for the most part dry fall weather awaits us for the week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Kevin Huyck.


Late-fall camping a risk-reward situation in North Shore region

The key to a successful, or perhaps enjoyable late-fall camping trip is preparation. WTIP's Joe Friedrichs explains. 


Weekend News Roundup for October 22

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Arrests for wrong turns at the border. What to do with Birch Grove. Local Bands join moose hunt.


New owners prepare to reopen lodge on Devil Track Lake

There are new owners of a lodge and restaurant on Devil Track Lake. WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs spoke with the new owners.