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September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month. Being prepared for emergencies means having a plan and taking a few reasonable actions ahead of time.


Sheriff talks about Back to School and Labor Day

School starts and that means heightened patrols by law enforcement in the school zone. Also it’s Labor Day weekend, the last big weekend before the leaf season starts.


It's not always cooler by the lake

Another week of nice late summer weather with a mix of sun and showers.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Carol Christenson about the week ahead and why


The joys of eating Cook County crayfish

Some of the many lakes in Cook County have an invasive species in them known as the rusty crayfish. Amanda Weberg is the aquatic invasive species coordinator for Cook County, and she’s in c


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for August 27

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days.


Late summer mix of warm and wet

Nice late summer weather with a mix of sun and showers.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Joe Moore.


A tenacious macro algae is spreading through the state

Zebra mussels have managed to find their way into Northwest Minnesota lakes and a new threat is posed with the advance of a macro algae, starry stonewort.


Corey Belt's Antarctic Adventure - Full Interview

Cook County resident Corey Belt spent the fall and winter of 2015-16 at McMurdo Station in Antarctica as part of their fuel department, aiding vehicles used to do all manner of scientific research on


Care Center residents moved into new rooms

It was moving day last week at the care center, and now work begins on two other wings in the facility. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with North Shore Health administrator Kimber Wraalstad.


Warm but sometimes wet weather for the week

This week we’ll see alternating weather systems – warm, wet, warm, wet, etc.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Carol Christenson.