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A look at the Law Enforcement Log

The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from March 13 – March 19. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.


DeArruda Wharton receives Bush Foundation Fellowship

The Bush Foundation announced its 2017 Bush Fellows today, listing 24 leaders who were chosen for their records of achievement and extraordinary potential to make significant contributions in their co


Customs & Border Protection officer found dead at port of entry

At approximately 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 19, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call from the Grand Portage Port of E


Cook County High School Knowledge Bowl continues success

Knowledge Bowl is a fast-paced, team-based academic competition where students complete tests and engage in head-to-head rounds of trivia to achieve victory.


Mike's Holiday gets rebate for lighting project

Visitors to Mike's Holiday station in Grand Marais have likely noticed all the new LED lighting that illuminates the recently remodeled gas station.  To promote energy efficiency strategies,


Sawtooth Elementary students find adventure at Wolf Ridge

Every year students from Sawtooth Mountain Elementary head to Finland for an adventure at Wolf Ridge Environmental Center.


Voyageur Brewing to host Shakespearean-themed events

National Shakespeare Week is arriving to the North Shore this weekend. And WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs finds out more in this interview. 


Weekend News Roundup for March 18

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days.


Duo aims to paddle entire shorelines of all Great Lakes in 2017

Joe Zellner and Peggy Gabrielson have at least two goals for 2017: The first is to raise money for pediatric brain cancer research.