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Duo aims to paddle entire shorelines of all Great Lakes in 2017

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Joe Zellner and Peggy Gabrielson have at least two goals for 2017: The first is to raise money for pediatric brain cancer research. The second is to become the first man and woman comboination to circumnavigate all five of the Great Lakes – a distance of 6,100 miles – in a single calendar year.

Zellenr is a Grand Marais based carpenter and Gabrielson lives in a small community in Wisconsin. Together they plan to camp, paddle and explore the entire shoreline of all five of the Great Lakes. The journey will begin April 1st and will run through late fall, possibly Nov. 1. 

WTIP's Joe Friedrichs learns more about the trip in this interview. 

And to view Joe and Peggy's Website, click here. 
