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Seth Jeffs. Photo courtesy of the Pueblo County Sheriff's Department in Colorado

Local resident airs concern over land purchased by known polygamist

During the public comment period of a Cook County Board of Commissioners meeting April 23, local resident Jeremy Hanson expressed concerns he has over property purchased by Seth Jeffs on Pike Lake Roa

North Shore Hospital and Care Center. Submitted photo

Hospital administrator talks local pharmacy services

Changes to pharmacy services in Grand Marais continue to be discussed among local residents and some local organizations.

Jason Burnett is running for the committeeperson seat on the Grand Portage Tribal Council - submitted photo

Speaking with Tribal Council candidate Jason Burnett

The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa is holding a primary to fill two vacancies on the Tribal Council, the position of chair and a committee person. 

Cook County Sheriff's Office - Photo by Rhonda Silence

A look at the Law Enforcement Log, April 9-15

Each week the Cook County Sheriff’s Office provides a brief report of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center in the past week.

Vallen Cook is running for the committeeperson seat on the Grand Portage Tribal Council

Talking with Grand Portage Tribal Council candidate Vallen Cook

The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa is holding a primary to fill two vacancies on the Tribal Council, the position of chair and a committee person. 

Beth Drost is a candidate for Grand Portage Tribal Council Chair.

Speaking with Grand Portage Tribal Council candidate Beth Drost

The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa is holding a primary to fill two vacancies on the Tribal Council, the position of chair and a committee person. 

Wood canvas canoes built at North House Folk School. Photo by Carolyn Fritz

LSProject: Building canoes for the community

North House Folk School in Grand Marais is all about showcasing life near Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters.

The adventurous workers constructing the North Shore Adventure Park working on high. Photo courtesy of Phil Huston

North Shore Adventure Park nearing completion in Silver Bay

There is a lot of activity at the corner of Highway 61 and Outer Drive in Silver Bay as the North Shore Adventure Park comes closer to reality.