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UPDATE: Hiring of Joe Radinovich at IRRRB under scrutiny

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Joe Radinovich. Submitted WTIP file photo
Joe Radinovich. Submitted WTIP file photo

The last time Joe Radinovich appeared in a WTIP news report was back in November 2018. That report focused on a divide within the DFL party in northern Minnesota, with Radinovich’s name front and center in the story.

A report this week from the Timberjay newspaper in Ely brings Radinovich back in the WTIP news cycle, with the story making headlines across the state.

According to the Timberjay, the IRRRB (Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board) is taking heat for the hiring of former Eighth Congressional District candidate Joe Radinovich. At issue is the process in which Radinovich was hired, including the fact he was hired over a more qualified female candidate, and the way the job was posted.

Minnesota District 3A Representative Rob Ecklund is the current board chair of IRRRB. Ecklund spoke with WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs about this story.
