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Paul Goettl - Submitted photo

Lutsen township appoints treasurer

The township of Lutsen has a treasurer once again.


A look at the Law Enforcement Log

Each week the Cook County Sheriff’s Office provides a brief report of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center in the past week.

Isle Royale moose study Feb 2019 Photo by Seth Moore, PhD, director of biology and environment, Grand Portage Band of Chippewa

LSProject: Researchers to compare Isle Royale, Grand Portage Moose populations

The University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine and the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa have partnered to conduct an interesting study of the moose populations in our r

Photo credit JGraham NPLSF

Wolf Transfer a Success

WTIP North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson spoke with Robert Schultz, Executive Director of the International Wolf Center in Ely, MN about the weekends successful transfer of wolves from Michipico


Primary set for Grand Portage Tribal Council

There will be a primary to fill two vacancies on the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribal Council on April 29.

Flames - Photo by William Warby,

Three fire departments join forces on Schroeder fire

At 7:50 p.m., on Monday, March 25, a neighbor reported smoke coming out of the top of the garage at 165 Skou Rd in Schroeder, to Cook County’s 911 dispatch.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau answered 17 questions at the town hall in Thunder Bay. Photo Rhonda Silence

WTIP attends Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's town hall in Thunder Bay

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a rare visit to Thunder Bay, Ontario on Friday, March 22, speaking at a town hall before about 900 people at the CJ Sanders Fieldhouse at Lakehead Universit

Hovland resident Marcia Lacey questions planners about the proposal to expand the law enforcement center. Photo Rhonda Silence

Plenty of public comment at jail facility information meeting

The public information meeting regarding the proposed Law Enforcement Center/Jail Facility on Thursday, March 21 was very well attended.

Photo via NPLSF

Rescuing Wolves from Michipicoten Island to Isle Royale

WTIP's volunteer North Shore Morning host, Shawna Willis talks with Carol Brady about the effort by National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation and International Wolf Center efforts to fund the


A Look at the Law Enforcement Log

Each week the Cook County Sheriff’s Office provides a brief report of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center in the past week.