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The Roadhouse

  • Friday 4-6pm
variety of musical genres chosen by hosts
The Roadhouse is a volunteer-produced music show with a special focus on the weekend, featuring local event and music announcements and a fun music mix. Hosted by a rotating cast of volunteers including Tracy Benson, Julie Carlson, Brian Neil and Dave TerSteeg.

What's On:
Photo from

What's the World's Largest Rubber Duck up to these days?

The popular six-stories-tall rubber duck has been seen in Duluth in the past for the Tall Ships festival.  Ann spoke with Craig Samborski, president of Draw Events in Duluth, and creator of the World's Largest Rubber Duck, to learn more on the duck and what it does during a pandemic with very few events to attend. 

Craig also tells a few stories about his time on the road working with celebrities such as John Prine.

You can learn more about Craig at, or


Photo from Desperate Electric/Facebook.

Desperate Electric performs electro soul on Roadhouse

Desperate Electric is a duo of Kayti Korte and Ben Morris.  They joined Ann and Will virtually from Missoula, Montana to play a few songs and talk about their new album.

You can learn more about Desperate Electric on their Facebook page


Photo courtesy Buck Benson

Been having weird dreams during the pandemic? A sleep expert explains why

If you’re like many of us, you’ve been having more and weirder dreams since the whole COVID situation started. Why is this? And is there anything we can do about it?

Ann chatted with Dr. Michael Howell, a neurologist and sleep specialist at the University of Minnesota to learn more.


Photo from Lichtenstein Creative Media

Director Bill Lichtenstein talks "WBCN and the American Revolution"

The award-winning documentary, "WBCN and the American Revolution," follows the rise of community radio station WBCN in Boston during the 1960s and ‘70s.

It’s the story of how a radio station, politics, and rock and roll changed everything. And starting today it’s available for rent for online viewing for WTIP listeners through June 4. Will chatted with the film’s director, Bill Lichtenstein.

You can learn more about the film here. And you can rent the film for a three-day period, until June 4, here


Photo courtesy Buck Benson

How to avoid overeating while spending more time at home

Overeating is a normal reaction to being bored or anxious, and during this pandemic, it has become easier, since so many of us are working or studying from home. Will chatted with Emma Laing, director of the Dietetics Program at the University of Georgia about ways to resist the temptation to overeat.


Gordon Thorne in Studio A. WTIP archive photo.

Gordon Thorne and Chuck Corliss perform live from North Shore Winery

Musicians Gordon Thorne and Chuck Corliss join Ann and Will virtually from North Shore Winery to play a few songs and tell us what they've been up to the past couple of months.


Photo courtesy Buck Benson

The common good vs. individual good during COVID-19

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we've been thinking about the concept of common good versus individual good and wanted to learn more.  Cat Saint-Croix is a postdoctoral associate in the philosophy department at the University of Minnesota.  She joined Ann on the Roadhouse to discuss this issue, and to talk about the Minnesota High School Ethics Bowl.


Photo courtesy Buck Benson

A look at Duluth’s approach to climate change

Duluth has been suggested as a place that will withstand the challenges of climate change…yet it’s been having its share of climate-related issues. Environmental writer Stephanie Hemphill joined Will to talk about an article she wrote recently for Ensia on Duluth’s approach to climate change. 

You can find her article here. And you can read more from Stephanie and other nature/environmental writers at the online magazine she co-edits,


Jim McGowan at Mojo Solo in St. Paul. Photo by David Matenaer

Jim McGowan joins The Roadhouse from St. Paul

Jim McGowan is a regular Roadhouse guest, but this performance from Jim was different.  Jim joined Ann and Will to chat a perform a few songs from St. Paul via the wonders of the internet.

You can learn about Jim and find his Facebook Live performances here.


Photo courtesy Buck Benson

How to be more thoughtful when communicating online

It's been a stressful few months.  When we're feeling scared and angry, we may take it out on others in a number of ways, including online through emails or social media.

Ann chatted with Kit Breshears, Communications Director for the University of Minnesota's Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing, who recently put together a framework for choosing our words more carefully and thoughtfully online.

You can learn more about the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing here.
