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Community Conversations

  • 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday 7-8pm

On the first Thursday of every month from 7-8 p.m. WTIP hosts a live interactive conversation on an issue of community importance. Guests are invited into the studio and listeners are invited to call in or email with questions, comments, and concerns. This participatory program is designed to give everyone a voice in the discussion of public affairs issues that shape our community. To participate in the conversation call 218-387-1070 or email us at [email protected].


What's On:

WTIP airs “Coping with the Cost of Propane,” on First Thursday

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As propane supplies continue low and the price gets higher, some North Shore residents are being faced with tough heating decisions.

Join WTIP’s Jay Andersen for First Thursday Community Conversation. We’ll bring in emergency and heating specialists to help you understand the crisis and your options for dealing with it. We’ll also talk about some dos and don’ts to keep you safe as well as warm.

“Coping with the Cost of Propane,” on First Thursday Community Conversation. Only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.


Biomass is Third Thursday topic for December

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This month WTIP presents a special Third Thursday Community Conversation call-in program on The Grand Marais District Heating project. Join host Jay Andersen for a discussion of what the new system is designed to do, what it means to the local economy, who would use it  -- as well as the pros and cons of a unique energy source.

Guests include Mark Spurr, President of FVB Energy, Paul Nelson, Co-Chair of the Grand Marais District Heat Task Force and city councilor, PUC member and task force participant Tim Kennedy.

Is biomass the sustainable energy future for Grand Marais? “The District Heat Project.” This month’s Third Thursday Community Conversation. Only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.


Eleanor Waha is WTIPs’ Third Thursday feature

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She’s a life-long resident of Cook County, grew up in Maple Hill and still lives there today. In the meantime Eleanor Waha has become the unofficial chronicler of the people and activities of our county.
In her long association with the Cook County Historical Society, county Fair Board and countless other organizations, Eleanor is the embodiment of what it means to be an active and engaged member of this community. And…she has stories to tell.
Join host Jay Andersen for “Eleanor Waha: Recollections and Reflections.” This month’s Third Thursday Community Conversation, only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.


County Septic Ordinance is topic for WTIP’s October Third Thursday

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Cook County is in the process of revising its Subsurface Septic Treatment System Ordinance. One public hearing has already been held, another is scheduled for later this month.

Join  host Jay Andersen  for a special edition of WTIP’s Third Thursday Community Conversation. We feature questions and answers on the county septic ordinance with Planning and Zoning Director Tim Nelson and Environmental Health Officer Mitch Everson.

Most of the questions have been collected from letters, emails and the first public hearing, but the public was invited to join in the discussion during the broadcast.

“Discussing the 2013 County Septic Ordinance” --  a special edition of Third Thursday Community Conversation, only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.


WTIP’s Third Thursday features two engineers

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There are all kinds of engineers in the world. In Cook County we have one whose job it is to construct and repair certain large projects. We have another who specializes in studying the safety of deconstructing other kinds of large projects -- by explosives.

Join Jay Andersen for this month’s Third Thursday Community Conversations.  The engineers featured are County Highway Engineer David Betts and explosives safety specialist Hyla Napadensky.

“Two Engineers” -- Third Thursday Community Conversations, only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.


"Back to School" is this month's First Thursday Community Conversation

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Schools in Cook County are back in session for the year. What’s new and what’s stayed the same? What about changes in testing and revisions to No Child Left Behind? How will our schools use the new Cook County Community YMCA? How will broadband affect student learning?

Join Jay Andersen host of WTIP’s First Thursday Community Conversation and his guests for: “Back to School – the 2013-14 Edition”… this month’s First Thursday Community Conversation.

The guest list includes school administrators and board members. That’s “Back to School – the 2013-14 Edition”… September’s First Thursday Community Conversation. Only on WTIP North Shore community radio.


Hosting underage drinking is WTIP’s First Thursday for August

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The Cook County Social Host Ordinance takes existing laws to another level. The ordinance holds you responsible if you allow underage drinking on your premises even if you didn’t actually provide the alcohol.

Join Jay Andersen and his guests for August's First Thursday Community Conversation. They’ll hold an in-depth discussion of the county’s Social Host Ordinance.

Are underage keggers just a part of growing up? If so, who’s responsible and to what extent? A discussion of the Cook County Social Host Ordinance. Only on WTIP North Shore community radio.

Bill Burkhardt

WTIP’s Third Thursday features “Swing Session” host

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In the 1930’s and 40’s radio was the undisputed king of entertainment, news and information. A young Bill Burkhardt grew up on Long Island listening to and loving everything about radio.

Join Jay Andersen for July’s Third Thursday Community Conversations.  Bill reflects on the history of the swing era, some of the music milestones and his long association with the station as a founder and volunteer host of the popular WTIP music program, “Swing Session.”

“The Swing Era – America’s soundtrack, with Bill Burkhardt.”  Third Thursday Community Conversations. Only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.


WTIP’s Third Thursday continues series with four volunteers

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This month WTIP continues its series of broadcasts featuring volunteers in the community. Men and women who give their time to make organizations like this station and other non-profits in the community stay strong and healthy through their hard work and dedication.

Join host Jay Andersen for this month’s Third Thursday Community Conversations.  You’ll hear from WTIP commentator Vicki Biggs Anderson, CarePartners volunteer Phyllis Parker, Violence Prevention Center volunteers Jeff Ken and Kathy Sullivan, and, multi-organization volunteer Mike Carlson.
“Volunteers on Volunteering, part three.” Third Thursday Community Conversations. Only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.


June First Thursday features fire season panel discussion

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Cook County has had its share of wildfires and some have been devastating to the forest and private property. Even though we’ve started with a late and damp spring, the summer weather can quickly change. Warm, dry, windy. Lightning strikes or being careless with campfires. Summer always has the potential of turning into “fire season.”

Join Jay Andersen for “Preventing, Preparing and Planning for Fire Season” -- this month’s First Thursday Community Conversation.

In the studio are Gunflint Fire Chief Mike Prom, County Emergency Management director Jim Wiinanen, Paul Nelson from FireWise and Forest Service Fire Management Officer Patty Johnson.

“Preventing, preparing and planning for fire season” -- this month’s First Thursday Community Conversation. Only on WTIP North Shore Community Radio.