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North Shore Morning

  • Monday 8-10am
  • Tuesday 8-10am
  • Wednesday 8-10am
  • Thursday 8-10am
  • Friday 8-10am
News & Information

News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!


What's On:

Andrew Beavers on the recent Lutsen Township Board Meeting

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WTIP talked to Andrew Beavers, supervisor of the Lutsen Township Board, about their most recent meeting.



Becky Rom of Sustainable Ely on mining in Cook County

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On May 21, Becky Rom, one of the founders of the Sustainable Ely project gave a presentation in Grand Marais about the effects of copper and precious metal mining in Northeastern Minnesota, including Cook County. WTIP'S Will Moore spoke to Becky after the presentation about these effects.



Wildflower Walks with the Cook County Invasive Team

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The Cook County Invasive Team's coordinator Angelique Edgerton talked to WTIP about the upcoming events this season. Join them for Wildflower Walks and "Play Clean Go Day," and learn how to stop the spread of Garlic Mustard.

(Photo by Lorianne DiSabato on Flickr)



Honoring Choices Health Care Directive Workshop, June 14

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On Saturday, June 14, The North Shore Health Care Foundation will host a workshop to assist people with completing their health care directives. WTIP talked to NSHCF board members Jerry Lilja and Katie Anderson about what the Honoring Choices Health Care Directive is, and why it's important to complete.

Honoring Choices:  Completing your health care directive
Saturday June 14, 2014 , 9:30am to noon –  at the Arrowhead Center in Grand Marais
A program of the North Shore Healthcare Foundation designed to help you get started on your Health Care Directive.
The morning include a panel discussion featuring medical, legal, family and spiritual resource people from our community;
followed by  small focused groups for additional information and assistance. 
No registration is necessary.
More information from the North Shore Health Care Foundation at 387-9076.



Summer in the Park

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Stand up paddle boarding, a little free library, master gardners in Harbor Park, and golf at Gunflint Hills.  North Shore Morning host Tracy Benson spoke with Rec Park Manager Dave Tersteeg for a report on the June meeting of the Grand Marais Park Board.



YMCA Summer Sports Programs

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Summer is almost here, so WTIP talked with Colette Mueller, the Associate Executive Director of the Cook County YMCA, about the summer sports programs that Y will be offering. Included in the interview are the different options and how to sign up.



The North Shore Music Association presents Erica Ternes with The Wolfgang

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On Saturday, May 24, the NSMA is sponsoring a concert at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts. Kate Fitzgerald, the director of NSMA, talked to WTIP about the event.



The Grand Marais Lioness Club's Social Recruitment Gathering

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On May 20, The Grand Marais Lioness Club will have a gathering at Sven and Ole's for women who are interested in joining the group. WTIP talked to Jean Spry about the event.



Survey: Child Care Needs in Cook County

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WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with Kristin Blomberg from Public Health and Human Services and Emily Marshall from the YMCA on North Shore Morning.  

Cook County Public Health and Human Services and the Cook County YMCA are collaborating on identifying child care needs and solutions.
Everyone is welcome to give input through a survey; the survey deadline is June 15th.  

And registration is open for an infant & todler summer child care program.  More information from the Y at 387-3386.




Local Music Project: Rich Mattson and Germaine Gemberling

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This edition of the Local Music Project features long time Minnesota music makers Rich Mattson and Germaine Gemberling.  Rich and Germaine reside in Sparta, Minnesota where Rich runs his recording studio Sparta Sound.  The duo performs together throughout the region regularly including frequent visits to Cook County.