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North Shore Morning

  • Monday 8-10am
  • Tuesday 8-10am
  • Wednesday 8-10am
  • Thursday 8-10am
  • Friday 8-10am
News & Information

News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!


What's On:

The 9th Annual Hovland Arts Festival

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Every year, artists get together at the Hovland Arts Festival to display and sell their works. One of the artists involved, Karen Cedarmoon, talked to WTIP about the festival, and art that will be featured there.



Moments in Time: Ollor Snevets

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Noel Ollor Snevets was born on May 26, 1896 in Michigan.  He spent much of his adult life living in Cook County.  Ollor is somewhat legendary in these parts and there are countless stories to be told about his life here.  Doug Seim and Deb White bought land from Ollar back in the early 1980’s and got to know him towards the end of his life.  Here are just a few stories they shared with me during a recent visit.


Dragonboat (Stephan Hoglund)

Volunteer Opportunities available at the Dragon Boat Festival this July

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Ainslie Kincross and Matthew Brown of the North Shore Dragon Boat Festival talked to WTIP about the upcoming event, how to get involved, and the need for volunteers.  They're using a SignUp Genius link to schedule info tent helpers.



Wilderness Outpatient Treatment Program offering counseling and Rule 25 Assessments

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WTIP talked to Greg Barnier, the director of Wilderness Outpatient Treatment Program, a program that offers drug and alcohol addiction counseling and Rule 25 assessments in Cook County.



Happenings at the Senior Center

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There's always events going on at the Senior Center in downtown Grand Marais, and Warren Andersen and Bill Shaffer, members of the Council on Aging, talked to WTIP about some of the summer activities.



Guided Walking Tours of the Grand Marais Harbor

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This summer, the Cook County Historical Society is offering guided walking tours of the Grand Marais. WTIP talked to Molly Hoffman, the tour guide, about these walks.



Grand Portage National Monument Update: June 20

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Karl Koster is a ranger at the Grand Portage National Monument. He talked to WTIP about some of the events taking place at the monument this summer.



Cook County Invasives Team Update: June 23

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WTIP got an update from Angelique Edgerton, the Cook County Invasive Team's Coordinator about upcoming events with team, and how to stop the spread of Dalmation Toadflax.



Lake Superior Binational Forum on preventing flood damage

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WTIP talked to Lissa Radke of the Lake Superior Binational forum about some enviromentally friendly ways to prevent flood damage in urban areas.



The Explorer's Club ventures out

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The Explorer's Club is a field-trip based youth program for 6 through 11 year olds that meets Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Director Sarah Stover talked about their upcoming events and how to get involved.  More information from Cooperation Station at 387-1324 or Sarah at 248-787-4380.
