North Shore Morning
- Monday 8-10am
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News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!
Superior National Forest Update: July 18
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Hi. I’m Steve Robertsen with the Superior National Forest Update - information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Forest.
For the week of July 18th, here’s what’s going on around the Forest.
Much of the Forest is still pretty wet. This is really helping lower fire danger, as well as making it a very green spring so far. When you’re hiking or boating though, you’ll probably encounter signs of high water. Familiar water routes may be a bit different than in other years with lower water level. While driving, you should watch for soft shoulders and water on the road after rains as there isn’t a lot of space for quick drainage. You may also run into logging traffic near Harriet Lake, the Four Mile Grade, and the Sawbill Trail on the Tofte District, and near Shoe Lake, Greenwood Lake, and Devil Track Lake on the Gunflint. Gravel trucks are hauling gravel for construction along the Caribou. There are crews out grading Forest roads over the next few weeks, and other crews brushing ditches in the Tofte District.
Fire crews are still working on fuel reduction at East Bearskin Campground, so there will be people there cutting and removing undergrowth. This operation will move to Baker Lake Campground later this week. All of this work will help to reduce the amount of fuel available for wild fires and to help create a more natural forest structure. Two fire crews from our Forest are headed out west to help with wildfires in Washington, so we will wish them luck!
We are working with seasonal crews from the Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa. These hard working young people are working on lots of different projects on the Forest from trail maintenance to timber marking and gaining hands on experience that could help them in careers in resource management.
This next week, they may be finding plenty of blueberries as they work as well. Blueberries seem to be abundant and on the edge of ripeness this week. We’ll see what the weather is and if the crop lives up to its promise. Remember if you are picking berries, stay away from any areas that might have been sprayed for weed control or insects. Wildlife biologists conducted the last of the spring frog surveys as our amphibians wind down their spring chorus. Birds still are singing though with our cool weather and lengthened spring.
For up to the minute information on topics such as fire restrictions, be sure to check our website or at a Ranger Station.
Hope you enjoy another week in the Forest and on the water. Until next week, this has been Steve Robertsen with the National Forest Update.
Nunsense in Studio A
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WTIP had cast members of the Grand Marais Playhouse's production of Nunsense in the studio to talk about the upcoming play, and for a preview of the songs.
Superior National Forest Update: July 11
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Hi. I’m Steve Robertsen with the Superior National Forest Update - information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Forest. For up to the minute information on topics such as fire restrictions, be sure to check our website or at a Ranger Station.
For the week of July 11th, here’s what’s going on around the Forest.
While much of the rest of the state is drying out a bit, we’ve had significant storms this past week. Road weight restrictions have been lifted by the county, but many of the gravel roads are pretty rough from erosion. Watch out for soft edges and shoulders on all the roads. While driving, you may run into logging traffic near Harriet Lake, the Four Mile Grade, and the Sawbill Trail on the Tofte District, and near Shoe Lake, Greenwood Lake, and Devil Track Lake on the Gunflint. Gravel trucks are hauling gravel for construction along the Caribou Trail and near the road construction on the Gunflint Trail.
Regarding fire, slash is being burned near the Honeymoon and Caribou Trail intersection, so you may see smoke in that area. Fire crews are still working on fuel reduction at East Bearskin Campground, so there are people there cutting undergrowth, and signs that the understory has been cut recently. This is part of an effort to reduce the amount of fuel available for wild fires and to help create a more natural balance of overstory and understory in the woods.
Wet and cool weather really dominates the forest right now. People have even seen ice in some rocky crevices along Lake Superior! I don’t think there’s still ice on the trails, but if you are hiking, expect muddy trail conditions. Please don’t widen trails by trying to avoid mud holes – your best bet is just to slog through it. If you are canoeing, be safe. High water has hidden many rocks and made some portages almost canoe-able, but sometimes the emphasis is on the ‘almost’. Beaver dams have even been washed out in places, so areas where you have been before may seem a lot different this year. Whether you are hiking or canoeing, bring mosquito repellent! It is a banner year for bugs, so be prepared.
On the plus side, the cool weather seems to have prolonged our spring wildflowers and some birds are still singing like it was spring. Loon eggs are hatching, so keep an eye out for loon chicks near (or on!) their parents in the water, but please don’t approach loon families. Give them their distance.
Hope you enjoy another week in the Forest and on the water. Until next week, this has been Steve Robertsen with the National Forest Update.
The Grand Marais Playhouse's Summer Production: Nana's Naughty Knickers
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Yvonne Block and Jan Healy are the two main roles in an upcoming production from the Grand Marais Playhouse called "Nana's Naughty Knickers." They spoke to WTIP about performing in the comedy, which starts July 18, at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts.
Advance tickets are available at
Co-op Update: July 7
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WTIP spoke with Jennifer Stoltz, the general manager of the Cook County Whole Foods Co-op about upcoming classes that will be offered in the month of July.
Cook County Historical Society Planked Trout Dinner, Saturday July 12
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On Saturday, July 12, at 5:30 p.m, the Cook County Historical Society is hosting a planked trout dinner as a fundraiser for the museum. WTIP talked to Carrie McHugh, the director of the historical society, about this event.
Benefit for Cook County Resident Carolyn Larsen on July 12
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Friends and family of Cook County resident Carolyn Larsen are hosting a benefit for her as she undergoes treatment for breast cancer. The benefit is on Saturday, July 12, and will start at the Cook County Community Center from 2-5 p.m, and then will continue at the American Legion from 7 p.m until close. Donna Gestel and Carolyn talked to WTIP about the benefit, and Carolyn's diagnosis.
Hedstrom Lumber Sawmill Tours
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Hedstrom Lumber Company offers sawmill tour evary summer. This year mill tours continue through August 22nd; tours are Tuesdays at 12:30 and Fridays at 10am. Reservations with Missy at 387-2995 ext 10.
WTIP's Veronica Weadock went on a tour with Missy Smith of Hedstrom Lumber.
Hedstrom Lumber Company invites everyone to join in celebrating their 100th Anniversary. Community Appreciation Days are Monday and Tuesday July 7th and 8th, with displays, mill tours and refreshments from 9am to 3pm.
Ice Cream Social Fundraiser for Chiapas, Mexico - July 4th
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The First Congregational Church of Grand Marais and St. John's Catholic Church have parterned together to put on an ice cream social on July 4, from 6-8 p.m at the First Congregational Church. This event will raise money for a Mayan congregation in Chiapas, Mexico.
Violence Prevention Center Update: July 1
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Jodi Yuhassey and Lucy Perpich of the Violence Prevention Center talked to WTIP about resources available to those suffering from PTSD associated with domestic and sexual violence, while also providing information about recognizing PTSD in youth.