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Plants collected by North House students

Elements of Craft: Plants and Herbs

Elements of Craft is a podcast and radio series produced between WTIP and North House Folk School looking at traditional crafts and natural materials in our area.

Superior National Forest Update

Superior National Forest Update - September 6

Superior National Forest Update
September 6, 2019
Steve Robertsen

Sawtooth Mountain Clinic. WTIP file photo

Sawtooth Mt Clinic - Topic of the Month - September

Sawtooth Mountain Clinic's "Topic of the Month" for September is "How to Fail Well".

The Lake Superior Project/Logo by Lauryl Loberg

LSProject: Who was Espagnol?

Grand Portage and Grand Marais were once fur trade posts, and the journals of several fur trade clerks mention an Anishinaabe tribal leader named Espagnol.

Northern Sky Map.  Courtesy Deane Morrison.

Northern Sky: August 31 - September 13

by  Deane Morrison
August 31 - September 13, 2019

Dragonfly Michael Beattie on unsplash


North Shore Morning host, Brian Neil talks Dragonflies with Naturalist and Author, Kurt Mead.

Click below to listen to both parts 1 and 2 of this interview.

Little gardeners from Cooperation Station learned watering skills this summer - Photo by Rhonda Silence

A garden party at Cook County Community Center

There are several community gardens here in Grand Marais -- at the Grand Marais Recreation Area, at the WTIP station, and at the Cook County Community Center.

Book. Photo by Daniel Wehner via Flickr.

Talking Books with Gwen Danfelt

"Talking Books" is a monthly feature on WTIP's North Shore Morning.
Host Mark Abrahamson talks with Gwen is this August 2019 edition.

Caregivers are invited to the "Sharing the Caring" conference in Grand Portage. Photo by Brian Walker via

Grand Portage hosts "Sharing the Caring" conference

Being a caregiver for a loved one is rewarding, but it also can be difficult.

Crow.  Photo by Glenn Euloth via Flickr and Creative Commons (

North Woods Naturalist: Crows

Did you know that crows are incredibly intelligent birds?  WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks all things crows with naturalist Chel Anderson in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.