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Cook County Higher Education.  Photo from

Cindy Nelson talks skiing career, upcoming Higher Ed event

Cook County Higher Education is hosting a North Shore Royalty Special Presentation by Local Legend and Olympian Cindy Nelson at Lutsen Mountains Summit Chalet on Wednesday, September 4.

Sunrise Trees by Travis Novitsky

North Woods Naturalist: Changing summer

The woods and waters along the North Shore often undergo dramatic changes during the summer months.  Naturalist Chel Anderson describes the changes she's noticed recently in this edition of N

The Grand Portage Rendezvous Days celebration powwow includes dancers of all ages! Photo by Rhonda Silence, 2011

A time of reunion at Grand Portage Rendezvous Days

The great Rendezvous starts in Grand Portage today, August 9, with events at the Grand Portage National Monument and the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior PowWow grounds through Sunday, August 11.&n

Image submitted by Michelle Schroeder

Backpacking 101 - Michelle Schroeder - Aug 6

"Backpacking 101" with Michelle Schroeder
August 2019

Grand Marais snowmobile water skipper Connor Ingram - Photo by Bruce Johnson Photography

Fisherman's Picnic sees snowmobiling waterskipping event

On Saturday, August 3, there was an unusual sight on the Grand Marais harbor.

Rosemaling - photo by Will Moore

Elements of Craft: Rosemaling

Elements of Craft is a series and podcast made in partnership with WTIP and North House Folk School, focusing on traditional crafts and natural materials.

The Cook County Community Fund advisory board - Photo courtesy of Duluth-Superior Community Fund

Community support from Cook County Community Fund

At the end of July, the Cook County Community Fund announced that grants totaling $20,000 would be given

Paulina Backstrom via Facebook

Benefit for Paulina Backstrom & family

There will be a Cancer Benefit Dinner for Paulina Backstrom and her family on Thursday, August 15th from 5:30 to 9 pm at Skyport Lodge / Raven Rock Grill.

The Mid-Trail Quilters are auctioning this beautiful quilt to support the Gunflint Fire Department - Submitted photo

Mid-Trail auction, quilt raffle and more on Wednesday

The Mid-Trail Property Owners Association is once again hosting an event to support the essential services of the Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department.

The fierce Lake Superior Roller League crew - Photo by Rhonda Silence

Lake Superior Roller League -- learning and laughing

Back in May, WTIP talked to two women with a novel North Shore idea. Roseanne Cooley and Brandee Wenzel wanted to start a roller derby league in Cook County.