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Scott Oeth-photo by Mike Patterson

Pack & Paddle - March 15

"Pack & Paddle" is a monthly feature on North Shore Morning.
In this edition of "Pack & Paddle," Scott Oeth talks about axe safety.

Photo by Kim Taylor Hull via Flickr/Creative Commons(

North Woods Naturalist: Spring observations

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist and she joins us periodically to report on what she’s seeing in our woods and waters right now.

Ice Storm Robotics 2021 - Aidan Selin and Patrick Pierre with two of the team's robots - Photo by Rhonda Silence

Ice Storm Robotics still going strong

School District 166 has a history of a robust Robotics program. The team has gone to robotics competitions at the Duluth Entertainment Center for many years.

Jess Koski

Notes from Reservation River - Jess Koski

Writer Jess Koski is a Grand Portage tribal member and dispatches his “Jessays,” from his home on the shore of Lake Superior, in Chi Oni Gaming.


North Shore Health Care Foundation Update - Valerie Eliasen

North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with North Shore Health Care Foundation Director, Valerie Marasco-Eliasen about the March board meeting. 

Karen Neal of Grand Marais with the mystery items left in her car. Submitted photo

The mystery of the carpet cleaner and wine

Living in a small community, there is a lot of informality in the borrowing and returning of items. "Just leave it on the porch," is a common refrain.

Border Rt Trail logo

Border Route Trail Assoc. Update

North Shore Morning host, CJ Heithoff talks with Tyler Jones for an update on the Border Route Trail Association and plans for BRT maintenance projects in the spring.


Skywarn Spotter Training Classes

North Shore Morning host, CJ Heithoff talks with the Warning Coordination Meteorologist with NOAA / National Weather Service, Joe Moore about the Skywarn Spotter Training Classes that will be offered

Scott Oeth - Photo via Facebook

Money Matters - Scott Oeth

North Shore Morning host, CJ Heithoff talks with Scott Oeth about debt and investments in this edition of "Money Matters"


TIP Jar Fund grants nearly $50K to local musicians

North Shore Morning host CJ Heithoff talks with Mary Somnis about the TIP Jar Fund. To date, the fund has granted nearly $50,000 to 100 musicians adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic.