Magnetic North: The horror
Vicki Biggs-Anderson-Welcome back to Magnetic North, to spring rain, spri
West End News: April 17
-It’s time again for the annual West End guessing game called “when will the ice go out?” Sometimes this is a game of casual interest even when it involves small amounts of mone
Gunflint Notebook: Traveling Rough Roads
Steve Ramberg-In this edition of the Gunflint Notebook, WTIP volunteer commentator Steve Ramberg reflects on rough roads, from a driving perspective, as well as in our personal lives....
Wildersmith on the Gunflint: April 11
-A third of the way into month four and “old man winter” is still tinkering around with his seasonal elements up this way.
Grand Marais becomes latest Minnesota GreenStep city
-Deb Benedict and Matthew Brown are joined by George Wilkes, Grand Marais co-chair of MN Greenstep Cities, to talk about the program and what it means for changing Grand Marais toward sustainability. Wilkes goes in depth on how sustainability deals with social and economic concerns as well as environmental ones, and how to get involved with Greenstep.
Gus' Wild Side: Working in the Sugar Bush
-Gus shares his experiences working in a local sugar bush, an annual spring ritual.
West End News: April 10
-It’s not too early to mark your calendar for the “Gala for the Grove.” The Gala is a gourmet dinner, live auction and dance, and is the largest annual fundraiser for the remark
Wildersmith on the Gunflint: April 4
-No foolin’, it’s April! As the keying of this week's scoop began filling the monitor screen, the weather guessers were predicting another swipe from “old man winter.”
Bringing two nations together for environmental stewardship on the Great Lakes
-Lissa Radke, U.S. Coordinator for the Lake Superior Bi-National Forum, calls in to the Roadhouse from Ashland, Wisconsin to talk with Buck about the Forum, which brings people together from all over the Great Lakes region to discuss environmental issues. She also talks about continuing the environmental stewardship legacy left by Sigurd Olson.
Magnetic North: Mine. Not Mine
Vicki Biggs-Anderson-Welcome back to Magnetic North, now into our second official week of spring (according to the calendar anyway).