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Gus' Wild Side: Falling Through River Ice

Gus tells us about his experience falling through ice on a northwoods river....


Sunny's Back Yard: February

Sunny shares her past February adventures as well as recent observations from her back yard.


West End News: March 13

A lot of West End News was generated around the township annual meetings held in Lutsen, Tofte and Schroeder this week.


"Powerful Tools" Provided for Caregivers

It's important for caregivers to develop coping strategies and learn about tools available to take care of themselves.  Care Partners of Cook County will offer "Powerful Tools for Caregi


Wildersmith on the Gunflint: March 7

As Gunflint Territory turns the page into March, Old Man Winter is still gnashing his teeth.


Meteorologist Mark Seeley on our looooong cold winter

Meteorologist Dr. Mark Seeley joined Buck Feb. 28 to talk about this challenging winter. He believes Minnesota has been at the very heart of the cold that has blanketed North America. But cheer up...he also thinks spring will come earlier than it did last year! Photo, "Lake Superior Ice," courtesy of Don Davison.


Wildersmith on the Gunflint: February 28

The northland closed the books on chapter 2 of 2014, and welcomes the third stanza.  February turned out much the same as her predecessor, cold and quite snowy by months end.


West End News: February 27

 The next Birch Grove Community Lunch will be held on Tuesday, March 11th at 11:30 am.


Wildersmith on the Gunflint: February 21

It’s with a heavy heart that the Smiths return to Gunflint Territory. Followers of this weekly endeavor realize that I have not been at the keyboard over the past month.


West End News: February 20

 The Bloodmobile will be back in Tofte on Monday, March 3rd from 2:30 until 6 pm.