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The Great Lakes Swimmers front man on his music, songwriting and upcoming performance in Grand Marais

The Great Lakes Swimmers hail from Toronto, Ontario. The band is known for its haunting sound and for pushing the musical boundaries of folk, country and indy-rock.


Wildfire smoke can cause health problems

A Cook County public health official says smoke from the Boundary Waters wildfires can cause health problems…even for healthy people.


Pagami Creek Fire Update: campfire restrictions imposed

The Pagami Creek fire continued to move south and east in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on Sunday.


Pagami Creek Fire Update BWCAW Campfire Restrictions in effect

The Pagami Creek fire continued to move south and east in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on Sunday.


Weekend News Roundup for Sept. 10

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Drought conditions persist in the northeast

Keeping the Cabin in the Family- Intergenerational Land Transfer

Reducing inheritance taxes is an issue that concerns many landowners, however, it is not the only issue that landowners should address when planning for the transfer of land to heirs.  In additio


Fall color predicted to be vivid

According to the Department of Natural Resources, fall colors typically peak between mid-September and early October in the northern third of the state.


Pagami Lake Fire Update: smoke over Hwy. 61

Today, crews on the Pagami Creek Fire are focused on securing the fire line and identifying hazards that could make their work more challenging.


Weather looks good for Radio Waves

The overnight cold snap appears to over for the time being and there will be nice sunny weather for Radio Waves Music Festival.