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Pagami Lake Fire Update: smoke over Hwy. 61

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Today, crews on the Pagami Creek Fire are focused on securing the fire line and identifying hazards that could make their work more challenging. Hand firing may be used to burn out pockets of un-burned fuels close to the fire line.

There were reports of smoke from the fires on Hwy 61 between Tofte and Split Rock Lighthouse earlier today. Ely area residents and visitors should expect to see and smell smoke from both the Pagami Creek Fire and several small fires that were detected in the past few days. 

Paddlers in the Lakes One and Two area may continue to see aircraft and hear pumps running as the burn out operation transitions into mop up and monitoring. Public Safety crews will be on the lakes to talk with paddlers and escort them across the portages between Lakes One and Two.  

Paddlers are asked to maintain a safe distance from the shores affected by the fire. Trees with root systems damaged by the fire might fall at any time. Everyone is encouraged to remember that this area is particularly dry and to be careful with fire.