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Wildfire smoke can cause health problems

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A Cook County public health official says smoke from the Boundary Waters wildfires can cause health problems…even for healthy people.

County Public Health Coordinator Joni Kristenson reminds everyone of all ages to take extra care to avoid breathing in the smoke. She notes the smoke from the wildfires can irritate a person’s eyes, nose and throat. People with heart disease, asthma and other lung diseases especially need to take precautions against the smoke.

The public health nurse recommends people in areas affected by the smoke decrease outdoor activity and stay indoors as much as possible.

Breathing in the smoke can cause coughing, wheezing, chest pains or shortness of breath. She says people may not have these symptoms until several days after the smoke is taken into the lungs. She recommends that if symptoms continue, a person should contact his or her healthcare provider as soon as possible.