The Roadhouse
- Friday 4-6pm
Clearwater Hot Club brings hot, cool jazz to Studio A
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Buck, Bob & Ann welcomed the Clearwater Hot Club (Sam Miltich, Matt Miltich, Mike Miller) to The Roadhouse during spring membership drive for talk, laughter, and great music.
Inuit throat singers perform on The Roadhouse
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Bob chatted March 16 with Inuit throat singers Nina Segalowitz and Lydia Etok about the meaning of throat singing in Inuit culture, and they demonstrated this unique 'game' in studio.
The first unsupported, unassisted American expedition to reach the North Pole
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Buck spoke March 16 with Tyler Fish of Ely who, with his expedition partner, John Huston, were the first Americans to reach the North Pole unassisted and unsupported. Their new book, "Forward," recounts the adventure and includes gorgeous photos that put you right in the scene.
Chastity Brown stops by Studio A to talk and play from her new album, "Back-Road Highways"
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Chastity Brown stopped in to The Roadhouse March 9 to talk with Buck and Bob about creating her newest album, "Back-Road Highways." The official release is March 24 at the Cedar Cultural Center in Minneapolis.
Happy 100th Birthday, Oreo!
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Bob chatted March 9 with Danielle Brown, senior associate brand manager for Oreo, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of the iconic cookie. How do YOU like to eat them?
Who was first to come to North America? New book challenges old assumptions
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Buck spoke March 9 with Dr. Bruce Bradley, co-author of the new book, "Across Atlantic Ice," which proposes that the first people to come to North America actually crossed the Atlantic by boat nearly 20,000 years ago.
They didn't say 'Arrrrrr' exhibit on real pirates at the Science Museum of MN
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Ann Possis chatted March 2 with Mike Day of the Science Museum of Minnesota about their brand new exhibit, "Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship," which features more than 200 artifacts from North America's only authenticated pirate shipwreck.
Native American activist Sharon Day on the importance of fresh water
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Bob spoke March 2 with Sharon Day, an enrolled member of the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa, in Minnesota in the Marten Clan, who holds a 2nd degree designation as a M’dewiwin water keeper for her tribe. She discussed the role of women in protecting the precious resource of fresh water, and her role last year in the Mother Earth Water Walk.
What's it like to be in the U.S. illegally? New book shares stories of real people behind the issue
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Bob spoke March 2 with Dr. Marie Friedmann Marquardt, author of "Living 'Illegal': The Human Face of Unauthorized Immigration," a new look at the real people behind this complex issue.
The Thunderheads play Studio A
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Buck and Bob welcomed Twin Cities band The Thunderheads (Steve Blexrud, Craig Paquette & Don Blue) to The Roadhouse Feb. 24 for plenty of chat, laughter and music.