The Roadhouse
- Friday 4-6pm
Fingerstyle guitarists Jim Ohlschmidt & Gordon Thorne play Studio A
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Bob & Buck welcomed Jim Ohlschmidt and Gordon Thorne to The Roadhouse Apr. 12. Jim was in town for the third annual Fingerstyle Masters Weekend, a celebration of guitar that Gordon conceived and stages, with the proceeds going to WTIP. Amazing guitar work--take a listen.
North House founder Mark Hansen on learning with your hands and heart
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Buck welcomed Grand Marais resident and North House Folk School founder Mark Hansen to Studio A Apr. 12. They talked about North House's philosophy of learning, how it works, and why it matters.
Local nurse Teresa Borak shares her latest medical mission to Guatemala
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Bob chatted Apr. 12 with Teresa Borak of the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic in Grand Marais about her recent trip to Guatemala with the organization Partner for Surgery, which provides medical care to impoverished Guatemalans in remote locations. Teresa has been volunteering with Partner for Surgery for 10 years.
Mermaids do exist. Buck speaks with one on The Roadhouse
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Buck chatted Apr. 5 with Linden Wolbert, who quit her full-time job a few years back to be a professional mermaid. With skills in free diving, SCUBA, and snorkeling, plus videography, it's been the perfect choice. She does everything from underwater modeling to pool parties to teaching children about ocean conservation. Check out her website here.
Everything you wanted to know about the MN Twins for 2013
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Buck chatted Apr. 2 with Kevin Smith, director of communications & broadcasting for the Twins, about the previous day's home opener (at 34 degrees...), the team's chances this year, and much more.
Peter Smerud on the remarkable peregrine falcon
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Cathy Quinn spoke recently with Peter Smerud, executive director of Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, about the peregrine falcon. Nearly wiped out by DDT by the 1960s, there are now at least 21 nesting pairs along the North Shore. Peter shares stories about falcons, including his experiences rock-climbing to reach their nests.
The Minnesota Cup, the largest statewide new venture competition, now open for entries until May 17
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Buck chatted Mar. 29 with Dan Mallin, co-founder of the MN Cup, about this competition for breakthrough business ideas, now in its ninth year. Dan talks about why it's important, how the competition works, and what's in it for the entrepreneur.
World Book Night is April 23--learn how one organization is spreading the love of reading, person to person
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Carl Lennertz, executive director of World Book Night U.S., spoke with Buck Mar. 29 about World Book Night, held April 23 each year. The night is a celebration of books and reading, when 25,000 passionate volunteers across America give a total of half a million books within their communities to those who don’t regularly read.
Legal expert Dale Carpenter discusses U.S. Supreme Court hearings on gay marriage
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Ann Possis spoke Mar. 29 with Prof. Dale Carpenter of the U of MN Law School, an expert in the areas of constitutional law and sexual orientation and the law. He was in Washington for last week's Supreme Court arguments on two landmark cases regarding the legal recognition of same-sex marriage, and shared his impressions and analysis.
Duluth musicians Jason Wussow & Tyler Dubla play Studio A
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Buck Benson & Dave Seaton welcomed Duluth musicians Jason Wussow (guitar) and Tyler Dubla (drums) for conversation and music on The Roadhouse March 22. The Jason Wussow Band was here to play several gigs around town over the weekend.