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North Shore Weekend

  • Saturday 7-10am
Host CJ Heithoff brings you this Saturday morning show, created at the request of WTIP listeners.  North Shore Weekend features three hours of community information, features, interviews, and music. It's truly a great way to start your weekend on the North Shore. Arts, cultural and history features on WTIP’s North Shore Weekend are made possible with funding from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.



What's On:
Butterfly by Stephan Hoglund

North Woods Naturalist: Monarchs

WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about the incredible migration journey that Monarchs go on every year in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.


Superior National Forest Update

Superior National Forest Update - Oct 11

National Forest Update – October 10, 2019
Hi.  I’m Jake Todd, information assistant at the Tofte Ranger District, with our October 11th edition of the National Forest Update.  Right now, we are in fall changing to winter – this past week, there’s been days where you can wear shorts and days with frost and snow.  It’s a time when you have to take advantage of those nice days to get some fall projects done, and take advantage of those not-so-nice days to make bread and pumpkin soup.  We’re hoping that between the putting the boat away and getting the snowblower out, you’ll find some time to go explore the Forest – it’s beautiful out there.

Biking is becoming more popular all the time.  Superior National Forest is responding to this with some excellent single track mountain bike trails, maintained and developed in cooperation with the Superior Cycling Association.  What we have not had cooperation from is the weather.  Our rainy fall has softened the tread of these bike trails to the point that riding them will damage the trail and deep ruts may take extensive trail work to repair.  The Sawtooth Mountain Challenge bike race, planned for this weekend on the Pincushion Mountain trails, has been called off because of wet trail conditions.  The almost completed connector trails between Britton Peak and Lutsen Mountains are paused in their ‘almost completed’ state, and are not open for use also because of wet trail conditions.  Please respect these trails by not using them if you will cause rutting and erosion.  Use during these times will just delay the opening of the trail further.  If you’re looking for a good ride, there are plenty of gravel roads open to exploration by mountain bike, and we’ve seen several bikepackers out on the roadways this fall. 

One bikepacker we talked with had run out of water because they didn’t realize that the water had been shut off in several of our campgrounds.  Our website will give you up to the minute information on which campgrounds have had the water system put to bed for the winter, and which still have water available, so check before you leave on any outdoor adventure where you are counting on drinking water.  It’s probably a good idea to start bringing a filter pump with you as well, just in case you need it.  Currently, the water is off at McDougal, Divide, Little Isabella, and Baker Campground.

If you’re biking, or driving, you’ll notice that our roads are a bit crowded right now.  Not “I-35 going to Minneapolis on a Sunday” crowded, but for us, they’re busy.  It is still the peak of fall color, plus grouse season, and that means that there are people out in the woods.  The deer are also getting active as rut approaches, and there seem to be more of them crossing the roads every day. 

So, whether you are biking, driving, or walking, use some extra caution on the roads.
You’ll find truck traffic on some of the roads.  On the Tofte District, there’s hauling on the Dumbbell River Road, Trappers Lake Road, the east side of the Timber-Frear Loop, the 4 Mile Grade, Sawbill Trail, and Caribou Trail.  On the Gunflint District, you’ll find trucks using the Lima Grade, South Brule Road, Pike Lake Road, Cook County 7, Cascade Bluffs Road, Greenwood Road, and the Blueberry Road.

Despite all those words of warning, it is well worth getting out into the Forest.  Fall really is nature putting on a show with leaves and active wildlife.  Have a great week, and until next time, this has been Jake Todd with the National Forest Update.


Superior National Forest Update

Superior National Forest Update - October 4

Superior National Forest Update with Steve Robertsen, Interpretation and Education Specialist for the USDA Superior National Forest.


Grouse Photo by Andy Ellena

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - October 4

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith
October 4, 2019

Enter October! Autumn is full speed ahead. The month of the Ojibwe, “falling leaves” moon is right on track with sights and scents of this marvelous time in border country. There are not enough descriptors to fully illustrate the grace of all natural goings-on about us.                                      

An example of such was the case during a recent, out the window observation on a dismal morning. I couldn’t help but notice the profound beauty in the gold and green leaves still attached in the distant tree tops. While “old Sol” was totally redacted, the brightness of the leafy array still glistened as if the sun was beaming through the forest. What a natural means of chasing the gloom away!                                                                                                                                                                     

Aside from colorful tokens taking an earthly position on the landscape, the Wildersmith neighborhood tinkered with freezing temps a few days ago. Daytimes have since cooled, making a compelling case for heat from the wood burning stove. It’s hard to argue, but there is nothing like the warmth from a flickering fire, in an iron box, to warm the soul.                                                               

Hence the seasonal character of wood smoke wafting from chimneys along back country roads harkens with nostalgia and romance of days long ago.                                                                                                                                                                             

Add to this aromatic essence, the charm of a walk in the woods, or going about one’s pre-winter chores and you have a recipe which would be magic if it could be sealed in a bottle. I for one am captured by the scent of “Dagwagin” (fall in Ojibwe). Damp earth and decaying flora mingle to wake up the senses, issuing the call of Nature’s final warm season chapter.                                                                                         
This natural issuance of colder tidings to come was further confirmed last weekend.  My good neighbor and his buddies from metropolis came over to help bring the boat and dock ashore to its winter resting place. I didn’t check the lake water temp, but even in my wet suit, the Gunflint liquid got my attention. Thanks to these steadfast fellows, I can check this item off the “getting ready” list.                                                                                                                                                                                

The same crew spent some time in the territory, searching for our Minnesota “chicken birds.” While the companionship of hunting in this great outdoors was great, the actual shooting was not so good. Only one grouse was taken for all their stomping around.                                                                                      
They did find there is at least one more grouse out there, as a digital shot was taken of one in an unlikely place, where it was dangerous to shoot. See their proof of such in my website column, under the community voices menu at                                                                                                                                                           

However, their time was well spent in another aspect as they spotted a few moose, two of which were bulls in full head dress. How appropriate with county wide “Moose Madness” just weeks away. So the energy and excitement of hunting was not a total loss.                                                                                                                                                               

Engaging things are still happening at Chik-Wauk. Though the season is winding down toward closing on October 20th, there is plenty to learn and observe with indoor exhibits and especially, out of doors along the hiking trails.                                                                                                                                                                                      

Folks should mark their calendars for Saturday October 19th as a special event is scheduled in the Nature Center on MEA weekend.                                                                                                                 

Travis Novitsky will be there to share “Images and Stories of Adventures under the Night Sky.” Travis is a life-long resident of the north shore of Lake Superior and a citizen of the Grand Portage Anishinabe Nation. A self-taught nature and wildlife photographer, his favorite subject is the night sky. For over twenty years, he’s recorded starry nights. I’m sure, “The sight of stars make him dream”, as the glittering universe did for Vincent-vanGogh.                                                                                                                               

The program will commence at 2:00 pm, under the panoramic starlit dome provided by the University of Minnesota Duluth, with professional commentary and assistance from GTHS volunteer Joel Halvorson. This is another Chik-Wauk program you won’t want to miss!                                   

On one more note from the North Country, and it’s kind of a “believe it, or not” revelation. A neighbor gal down the road reports she found, and picked some blueberries last Sunday. Yes, heading into October, fresh blue gems! How could they have been missed by hungry bears?                                                                                                                                                                            

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, with uncountable natural bounty!


Yellow birch. Photo by Nicholas A. Tonelli from Northeast Pennsylvania, USA - Foliage Walk (15), CC BY 2.0

North Woods Naturalist: Yellow birch

It's the fall color season along the North Shore!  WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about a particular tree that can stand out this time of year, the Yellow birch, in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.

Photo credit:
Nicholas A. Tonelli from Northeast Pennsylvania, USA - Foliage Walk (15), CC BY 2.0,


Photo by Washington State Department of Agriculture via Flickr and Creative Commons (

North Woods Naturalist: Gypsy Moths

If you've been outside at night with a light on recently, you've likely encountered gypsy moths.  Did you know that these moths only live for about two weeks? WTIP's CJ Hiethoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about the invasive species in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.


Superior National Forest Update

Superior National Forest Update - September 27

Superior National Forest Update for September 27, 2019
with Steve Robertsen, Interpretation & Education Specialist
with the USDA Forest Service, Superior National Forest.


Mushrooms Photo by Fran Smith

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - September 20

Wildersmith on the Gunflint      by    Fred Smith
September 20, 2019    
The Gunflint will be in full Autumnal splendor within days, if it’s not already here in some neighborhoods. After several weeks of cool, cloudy and wet, the territory has finally broken out of the rut with some warmth and sunshine over the past few days.                                                                               

The brightness couldn’t have come at a better time to shine a spotlight on our leafy color show. Recent travels about the territory are simply remarkable.  The solar array makes the forest gold, orange and scarlet. It illuminates to nearly blinding luster.                                                                                         

Pair this radiance with the essence of earthly dampness and one has the recipe for incredible wilderness beauty and romance of this changing season. Speaking of this timely changing, Monday marks the moment when “Sol” is making the one day heavenly stop at due east and west.                                                                                                                                                                  

Where have all the days gone? It seems as though we were just celebrating the Equinox of Spring and here it is six months later! Whereas the Vernal time was exciting in its promise of re-birth, these Autumnal moments are those to cherish as well. Hope everyone enjoys the show as there’s a new act every day.                                                                                                                                                
I don’t know if the following tidbit means anything in regard to weather predicting lore, but I have discovered three Tamaraks, along the upper Trail past the Magnetic Trail head, have turned golden already. Since this is a late October ritual, makes one wonder if this is a subtle message. Guess we’d all better get chugging on pre-winter chores!                                                                                                                                                                    
A couple fall samplings are shared in my WTIP website column this week, check them out with a click on the Community Voices section and scroll down.                                                                    

Things are simply mushrooming throughout the forest. There may have been better years for fungi growth in the past, but I can’t remember one that equals the prolific yield this season. I don’t know my mushrooms, but the varieties appear to be uncountable.                                                                                                 

And if this fungus among us is not enough, a glance up into a Mountain Ash tree at the burgeoning crop of red berries finds them weighing heavily on often tender branches. A report or two have indicated branches and young trees giving up under this berry burden. This will make it easy for bears, but it’s going to take a lot of cedar wax wings to finish the hanging harvest.                                                                                                                                                                                       

As summer green is fading fast, it is interesting to note, the hardiness of Black eyed Susan blooms. Without question, they must be the toughest flowers in the territory. They started appearing in late July to early August and they are still going strong. They are currently paired with purple asters along backcountry roads as the last summer floral decorations.                                                                                                                                                                                 
A couple stopped by the Chik-Wauk Nature Center last Saturday and shared seeing a different kind of Loon. With trusty camera phone in hand, they recorded its presence on the bay near Seagull Outfitters. Doing a little research with USFS Biologist Peg Robertson, who happened to be present, it was determined this was a yellow-billed Loon, quite different from our iconic Common Loon.                                                                                                                                                                                     
Such yellow bills are occasionally observed in Lake Superior during migration from their summertime Tundra residence. This one, an apparent loner, must have experienced a GPS malfunction in order to be seen a bit off course, over fifty miles from the big lake.                                                                                                                                       

A reminder, Saturday’s program at the Chik-Wauk Nature Center features Chel Anderson. Chel will be sharing her natural world expertise on the subject of Beavers, and their importance to the ecosystem.                                                                                                                                            

The program will begin at 2:00pm. All are invited, and perhaps plan to arrive in time to enjoy a hike on the colorful Chik-Wauk Trails. Next to winter, this is the coolest time of year in the upper Trail, no bugs and unequaled natural radiance.                                                                                                                                     

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, as nature is always happening!


Superior National Forest Update

Superior National Forest Update - September 20

Superior National Forest Update
September 20, 2019

Hi.  This is Renee Frahm, Visitor Information Specialist with the Superior National Forest with the National Forest Update.  It looks like maybe it won’t be raining this weekend, so it’ll be a good time to get outside.  When you do head out, here’s the update on all that’s out there.

We are hitting the peak of the fall color season, and that means that there will be some slow moving vehicles, parked vehicles, pedestrians, and photographers out on our Forest roads.  Patience and courtesy will see you through.  Allow cars to pass, and keep the roadway clear if you are driving slowly or stopping.  Please, shut your car doors when you stop so others can pass, and walk or stop to take photos on the side of the road, not the middle.  If you are on the passing end of things, wait for safe passing areas, as the road sides are a bit soft from all the rain. So just relax, and make sure to take the time to enjoy the fall.  The leaves are really spectacular right now, and well worth going out to see.

Driving around here means paying attention to wildlife as well.  Spring and fall around the equinoxes seem to be high points for deer/car collisions.  Animals are moving around a lot during those times of year, and their daily time of high activity coincides with the morning and evening commute for many people.  We’ve had a lot of fog as well, which decreases visibility.  Please slow down on foggy days, make sure your lights are on, and watch out for deer.

Hunters are watching for deer as well, but for a different reason.  The bow hunt is in full swing, and with grouse and small game seasons open as well, everyone out in the woods should be sporting some orange.  Hunters need to be aware that you are not allowed to discharge a firearm, or shoot an arrow, within 150 yards of roads, buildings, or developed recreation sites.  You also may not shoot across trails or roads, so hunters should always be very familiar with their hunting area so they can avoid doing that.  These are really basic common sense rules which safe hunters should follow even without regulations – so, stay safe, wear orange, and good luck!

This fall you make see smoke in the air.  The Forest Service is trying to accomplish pile burning around the Forest and mother-nature isn’t always cooperating.  These are hazardous fuels reduction projects.  If you have questions, call one of the Forest Service offices.

There is some logging activity and trail work being done out there.  On the Gunflint District, log hauling is taking place on the Lima Grade, South Brule Road, Cascade River Road, Pike Lake Road, Cook County 7, Cascade Bluffs Road, Greenwood Road, Blueberry Road, and the Hall Road in Lutsen.  On the Tofte District, look for truck traffic on  the Dumbell River Road, Trappers Lake Road, Caribou Trail, and the road on the east side of the Timber-Frear area.   At the end of the Onion River road out of Tofte there is a construction crew camped out that is building 17 miles of fat tire bike trails between Britton Peak and Lutsen Mountains, so if you go up that road know that there is a crew camped out up there for a little while longer until the trail work is complete.  In the near future, the mountain bikers will have more great trails to explore.

We have two more weekends that our Forest Service front offices will be open to the public before we go back to Monday through Friday hours of operation.  Also, we are advertising our summer seasonal positions on for next summer.  So if you know of anyone looking for summer work experience, send them to  We will be hiring front desk staff, timber, recreation and wildlife positions across the Forest.  Positions will be open for applying to until September 30 so spread the word.  (FYI:  Search for duty locations of Tofte, Grand Marais, Ely, Aurora, or Cook) 

Lastly, there are a lot of fall chores you probably want to get after… window washing, cleaning the car and garage out, winterizing all sorts of things, and seeing if the snow blower runs – but this may be the weekend to set them aside for a while and go out to the woods and enjoy a gorgeous ride or take a hike on a trail.  You might want to throw in some fishing too.   Enjoy the forest, enjoy the day, and until next week, this has been Renee Frahm with the National Forest Update.


Ringless Honey Mushrooms. Photo by Matthew Beziat via Flickr and Creative Commons (

North Woods Naturalist: Humongous fungus

Honey mushrooms and other fungi have been found in abundance this year.  WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about the world of fungi in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.
