North Shore Morning
- Monday 8-10am
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- Friday 8-10am
News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!
Forest Restoration to take place along Lake Superior tributary streams
-The U.S. Forest Service will be awarding nearly $4.5 million in grants to support 27 Great Lake restoration projects in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Wisconsin. In Minnesota, these Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grants will restore 600 acres of forest along Lake Superior tributary streams in Lake and Cook Counties.
WTIP's Mark Abrahamson spoke with Chris Dunham, Resilience Forestry Manager with The Nature Conservancy, to learn more.
Tofte Township November update
-The Tofte Township Board of Supervisors meets on the second Thursday of each month. WTIP's Mark Abrahamson checked in with Tofte Supervisor Craig Horak on topics discussed at this month's meeting.
North House Folk School November update
-North House Folk School in Grand Marais strives to enrich lives and build community through the teaching of traditional northern crafts. WTIP's Mark Abrahamson spoke with the school's executive director, Greg Wright, to talk about what's coming up at North House.
Wildersmith on the Gunflint - November 13
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
November 13, 2020
A glorious week of autumn had folks up the Trail in jackets, sweaters and smiles during week one of our new month. Temps in the fifties finished off the October snow and even dried up slop on back country roads.
The landscape is back to various fall shades of brown, and it was worrisome from a wild fire stand-point with no “precip” to replace the snow, but a timely rain earlier in the week eased my concern. Slightly over one inch of rain was recorded in my gauge. It was an amount not seen in months around this neighborhood.
November character is at hand as this report comes your way. Lakes will resume making ice and the “s” word has been bantered about over the past few days.
The good weather allowed completion of my list of weather delayed outdoor chores, and even a couple that could have waited until spring. So we at Wildersmith are ready for whatever comes our way.
Speaking only for lakes I’ve noticed recently, water levels are at the lowest seen in my twenty plus years. A longtime resident on Gunflint Lake says this “old Gal” is lower than he’s observed since his childhood days. I don’t know of his age, but he has to be near or at a half century old.
My last trip up to the end of the Trail at Chik Wauk found Saganaga Lake to be in the same dismal circumstance. Bays surrounding the Museum Campus are about to take on the look of a wet land with plant growth consuming about half the water surface. Seeing the old high water marks along shoreline granite is a little frightening. It’s going to take a lot of moisture and a long time to build the many bodies back to normal levels as we know them.
I’ve heard little bragging about deer being taken around the territory, so it’s my guess there were few hunters out and few shots taken. I did hear of a gal getting an eight pointer somewhere, but that’s it to date. Perhaps the unusually warm weather on opening weekend had some affect, if in fact there are any deer still hanging out in these parts.
It was a homecoming of sorts around Wildersmith last Saturday when “Piney” the marten stopped by for a visit. It must be a returnee as the plush little animal went right to our feeding stations, obviously looking for a bit of chicken dinner.
Not expecting the surprising visit, I was ill prepared, but being trained well, promptly obliged with a couple poultry morsels. The crafty critter must have been keeping an eye on me, or a nose in the air, as it was not long before she/he was back. It has been a regular since, and I would expect some of its’ kin are soon to be arriving, once word of the “clucking” menu gets out.
Friends down the road report being entertained by an Ermine recently. This sleek little rodent had made the full transition to its winter white coat. It too was provided a poultry treat, consuming such right in front of the curious observers, not four or five feet away. See a pic of the ghostly being alongside my column at under the Community Voices drop down.
Gunflint Community congratulations are offered to Bruce and Sue Kerfoot upon their recognition by the Duluth-Superior Area Community Foundation. The Kerfoot’s received the organizations “Generosity Award” for their decades of uncountable volunteer contributions to the Gunflint Community and Cook County.
Bruce, born in the upper Gunflint over eighty years ago, and Sue, operated the celebrated Gunflint Lodge for over fifty years. They represent living archives of history about life and times along this nationally known Scenic Byway.
The award will be presented in Duluth on November 17th at DSACF ceremonies, and will be televised locally on WDIO channel 10 in Duluth.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where all the days are great, and everyone is linked by “Mother Nature.”
The Retrievers - Amy Addy
-The Retrievers and Missing Pets in the Northland help reunite lost pets and their owners. North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Amy Addy to learn more about the organizations and some recent happy endings for pets and owners.
Visit Cook County shares news of the Heart of Hospitality Awards
Rhonda Silence-Samantha Wallner - Grand Marais Recreation Area (Grand Marais)
Bernard Banks - Cascade Lodge and Restaurant (Lutsen/Tofte/Schroeder)
WTIP's Mark Abrahamson spoke with Visit Cook County Director Linda Jurek about the Heart of the Hospitality Awards. They also spoke about some upcoming events, such as the "Oh, Ole Night" celebration, which will be held in collaboration with WTIP Community Radio, and a fat tire bike event in January.
Wildersmith on the Gunflint - November 06
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
November 6, 2020
Our eleventh month slipped into the north woods as one might expect, on the heels of gale force NW winds and a night time snow squall. The new month kind of snuck up on us as October took on the November character over the past few weeks. Maybe we should be calling the recent months’ look-a-likes, Oct-ember?
Here we are with one week already in the books. Daylight has now taken on new meaning with the loss of artificial time last Sunday morning. Darkness closing in by about 4:30 in the afternoon is now reason for adjustment after all these months as daylight minutes dwindle away.
At air time this week, we are in a spell, where a big switcheroo has blown winter back across the border. The snow has melted away in most places and temps have become more like autumn, so icy conversations have turned to talk of the big Minnesota deer hunting season.
Yep, it’s that time when venison seekers put on their post-Halloween bush or tree costumes in hope of catching an un-suspecting white tail by surprise. Successes throughout the upper Gunflint territory have been minimal for the past several years. However, there will likely be a few folks decked out in blaze trying their luck. It is a good bet hunters out this way will be modeling a hot orange fashion show, rather than actually loading meat for the freezer into their pick-ups.
Over several years, between a couple of recent stressful deep snow winters, and wolves out doing rifle toting folks, the herd has been culled to near extinction around here. What is interesting, by driving fifty miles or so back toward the village and up into the Lake Superior highlands, hunter fortunes are much more favorable.
Regardless of bagging a prize, fundamentally, hunters seek and find the calm of spiritual adventure during a renewal with nature. It’s an inner feeling, and like the “magnetic north”, the primeval flair for the hunt keeps drawing them back every year at this time. Hunters are wished safe and successful outings over the next couple weeks, wherever they are stalking.
In the meantime, the rest of us should be donning our blaze colored gear for good measure when out and about in the woods. It is best to be seen, and not an accidental statistic.
As fall conditions have stepped back onto the wild land stage at the moment, a couple “getting ready for winter chores” at Wildersmith might get completed after all. I’d pretty much given up on them since winter took over month ten, thinking they would just have to wait ‘til spring. So windows will likely get washed and roof gutters will get cleaned, along with some late season Mile O Pine pot-hole filling before “old man winter” re-grips for the long haul.
With the opening of deck side feeding for area critters last week, dining is in turmoil twilight to twilight. The birds in particular, remind me of a bunch of hungry elementary students in the school cafeteria anxiously gorging lunch so they can get out to the playground as soon as possible. Talk about “eating on the fly.”
Meanwhile, my squirrely friends continue packing away winter supplies at a startling rate. Between the avian and red rodent population, I’m into 50 pound bag number two of sunflower seeds, with official winter over six weeks away. If there is any significance between these ravenous appetites and the potential severity of the season ahead, we Gunflinters could be in for a doozy.
The area fox population is testament to adaptation. While in a time of rapidly warming atmospheric conditions, many species are struggling to acclimate easily. Red ones are prolific, being observed readily by many Trail residents. Their gray cousins are not as common, but even less evident are Cross fox. However, one of those cross varieties is observed quite often up in the Sag Lake Trail neighborhood.
Meanwhile, a couple down the road report a gray one has been hanging around their place recently, perhaps even having adopted them as essential providers by being in regular attendance. Fox of any color, another Gunflint gift!
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is a treasure, “growing more precious, the more we embrace it.”
Wildersmith on the Gunflint - October 30
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
October 30, 2020
The northland and the universe bid October good bye under the brilliance of a “blue moon.” The Anishinaabe Band has a name for this 13th lunar happening of the year. For 2020, this celestial experience is between October’s “Falling Leaves” and the November “Freezing Over” renditions. Number thirteen is a “Big Spirit Moon”, chi manidoo giizis.
Our Indigenous neighbors proclaim the “blue moon” as a time of re-birth and healing. This “Big Spirit” couldn’t shine down on us at a more appropriate time!
Since the falling leaves at this end of the Trail are a few weeks past, this weekend’s “Big Spirit” is a closer cousin to the “Freezing Over” moniker, with many smaller lakes having taken on the hard water look, although the actual full November moon is still thirty days away.
As the big orb will be lighting up our night time life on Saturday evening, we may be able to set our clocks back to real time by the light, of the silvery moon. Yes, it’s time to regain our sense of reality as we “fall back” in our twice a year attempt to manipulate the natural world. One might as well make the timing move before retiring so an extra hour of slumber can be enjoyed Sunday morning.
Gunflint Trail weather over the past seven days has lost the aroma of autumn. In fact, the essence is a frozen memory. Being traded for the scent of wood smoke, winter freshness has a familiar sting when one exits into the out-of-doors. While not bitter yet, we’re adjusting to the cold mode.
Some areas of the lower to mid-Trail got a good dose of snow, but the upper territory just received several lighter reps. Nevertheless, it has been enough to bring on some shoveling, driveway ploughing and some animal tracking. Although early, it surely looks the season, and if it hangs on until May, like last year in this neighborhood, it could be an eight month journey.
There is likely some human grumbling about this early winter hit, but the cold and snow has likely convinced the “Bruno” population to crawl into winter quarters for a long winters nap, thus solving some problems. Let’s hope so, because I commenced with delighting the avian flocks by opening the deck side cafeteria. Arriving flights seem busy as it was when the hummingbirds were vying for sweet nectar.
While those menacing bears may be out of our hair, another un-welcome visitor was up to some larceny down the road recently. A report came to me about a masked bandit, breaking into a place along Gunflint Lake’s south shore. An occasional raccoon rambles through the area, and this one is described as being larger than would fit in a large live trap, a real pig.
I’m told the Daniel Boone Hat look-a-like gained entry to a place, unlatched some cabinetry, made a mess and pilfered some goodies. How it was observed, I don’t know, but the furry thug is still on the loose. As these ring-tail critters are invasive, perhaps the local wolf pack might find this troublesome animal a menu alternative.
And speaking of wolves, with the fresh snow one day last week, I tracked one down the Mile O Pine during a run to the mail box. So the raccoon had better be looking back over its shoulder.
Glory be to the family of WTIP members, for the overwhelming showing of support during the “Phone a Friend” autumn fund drive. Congratulations to all who renewed their support, gave added donations as sustaining members and to 57 new members, a huge welcome. The family is well over thirteen hundred strong!
WTIP is so grateful for your undying friendship, especially during what is a difficult time for so many people in our world of listeners. It is great to have friends like you, and we are so happy to be here for you! Thanks so much!
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail where every day is great in the woods, as we try to make sense of these troubling times. Keep on hangin’ on!
North Woods Naturalist: October snow
-October snow isn't all that unusual, but the amount that's accumulated this month is. Naturalist Chel Anderson talks about recent snowfall and how it compares to previous years, and much more about what she's observing in our woods and waters right now in this edition of North Woods Naturalist.
Superior National Forest Update - October 23
-Superior National Forest Update with Steve Robertsen, interpretation and education specialist with the USDA Forest Service - Superior National Forest. Steve talks winter driving conditions, forest roads and Christmas Tree permits in this edition of SNF Update.