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News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!


What's On:
North Shore Music Association - "The Gift of Darkness"

Gift of Darkness - An Advent Celebration

WTIP's North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Karina Roth about "The Gift of Darkness: An Advent Celebration."

WTIP will broadcast the audio from "The Gift of Darkness" on Monday, December 14 at 7 pm and again on December 24th.

Here is link to the video:



SNF Update

Superior National Forest Update - Dec 18

Steve Robertsen, education and interpretation specialist with the Superior National Forest, gives us the final report for 2020.


Wildersmith Let it Snow

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - Dec 18

Wildersmith on the Gunflint    by     Fred Smith
December 18, 2020    

After tinkering with winter since October, the past few days have taken on more consistent character for the season. Although temps are nearing normal for December, another week has passed with but a skiff of white in this neighborhood.                                                                   

Maybe “old man winter” has just decided to finally turn things down a notch in anticipation of his ceremonial introduction with the “Solstice” this coming Monday. We snow season lovers would have liked more than his October tease during recent weeks, but we’ll gladly accept his full-time presence now to get things in order for the northland experience.           

Speaking of the Solstice, it will be a star gazers delight if skies are clear. Each night until then, Jupiter and Saturn will be gathering in closer proximity to each other rising to a crescendo in the Christmas Star.  It should be a splendid show under our northland dark skies.                        
At last the Gunflint Lake made hard water. Saturday night into Sunday morning found our first sub-zero reading in concert with calm air along Gunflint shores. The atmospheric combination put “old gal” into ice making mode.                                                                                                

So the official “ice on” date is declared for December 13th. With the warmth of the past five or six weeks, it is surprising this lake ended up freezing right around the average date of years past.                                                                                                                                               

Unless warmth and wind interfere again, there’ll be no more small talk ripples and ruffian rollers dashing the shoreline granite ‘til May. In the meantime, conversations will soon switch to grumpy growling and screeches as the icy coat makes alterations for a long winters’ fit.                                                                                                                                                              
Our annual Gunflint Lake ice making event brought out the master of hoar frost for the second consecutive weekend. “Old Jack” dipped his brush into the steamy cauldron and frescoed shores of our International border in crystal magic. How splendid was the lacy forest décor that hung on for a few days under his icy grip.                                                                            

One good thing can be said for our abnormally long warm spell. It saved several weeks’ worth of fire wood from consumption. However, for us residents of the “wild land, many of us romanticize the comfy ambiance of a fire in the wood stove or fireplace.                                                        

So for the time being, spirits at Wildersmith are being uplifted. As I key this weeks’ report while sitting next to warmth from my black stove wood burner, I’m consumed in cheery essence of the season at hand.                                                                                                   

Our neighborhood along the Mile O Pine is the usual calm and quiet. A few neighbors have arrived for the holidays, but they remain socially holed up and seldom seen. Except for chirps, chatter, tweets and an occasional pop from freezing tree bark, the only chitchat is blowing in the wind. The long stillness in the forest is a season frozen in time.                               

The Smith’s did have a little excitement along the outdoor cafeteria rail a couple days ago. A race for life erupted as a marten caught a squirrel off guard. Fortunately for the squirrel, it was the victor this time, escaping by a tails length leap to safety, up a nearby white pine. Apparently the marten favored chicken this time and aborted the blurring sprint.                                    

Time has flown by so quickly for some, during these COVID times, but has been distressingly agonizing for millions. It is hard to believe we are into Hanukkah and a week away from Christmas, while the last segment of a tragic year is in sight. This being recognized, I wish everyone health and happiness during what remains of 2020.                                                                      

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is fabled and mesmerizing,  in natural world mystery!  Happy Holidays!



North Woods Naturalist: Early winter ice

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist and she joins us periodically to report on what she’s seeing in our woods and waters right now.

In this edition of North Woods Naturalist, Chel walks us through the magic and intricacies of early winter ice.


Wildersmith Let it Snow

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - Dec 11

Wildersmith on the Gunflint      by     Fred Smith
December 11, 2020    
This weeks’ Gunflint scoop comes with another dismal report on our missing white factor. Another seven days with nary a flake in this neighborhood, and nothing positive projected for drought relief in the near future.                                                                                                

While temperate conditions continue for this time of year, cooler night hours have enabled ice making on some lakes. Gunflint and Sag waters remain dashing the shores as most others in the territory have closed up. Gunflint Lake has skimmed in places a couple times, but the slightest breeze has sent it a packing.                                                                                                   

With minimal snow to insulate against the lake freezing process, ice has easily thickened to the point of being safe for locals to do some recreating. I’m told there is three to four inches of clear ice built up as this report comes off the keyboard.                                                                    

It is making for excellent skating conditions. Reports tell of dozens lacing up their skates and venturing out onto the ice on Tuscarora and Seagull. All must be reminded, no ice is completely safe. It is still early, so check it each time you step out onto the hard water.                      

The nephew of “old man winter”, “Jack Frost” paid a visit to the upper end of the Trail last Saturday evening. By Sunday morning his visit was a breath-taking surprise.                           

The lacy brush work on tree tops and mountainsides blended into the cloud laden skies making it difficult to distinguish where earth ended and heaven began. With only a patch work of white on the boarder country landscape, “Jack’s” always unique artwork provided a spiritual uplift with a “Hallmark” holiday moment that’s been absent since October. He’s a “Plein Aire brush work master.                                                                                                                           

Speaking of another holiday moment, the sentinel of the season along the Trail has once again been lighted at the west end of Birch Lake. It is somewhat analogous to the star lighting the way on Christmas Eve over two thousand years ago. It kind of makes me wonder if it was as dark on that celebrated journey as it is now, when driving out into a seemingly dark hole along the Trail.                                                                                                                                   

Continuing thanks are extended to the good folks over on the Birch and their helpers from Arrowhead Electric Coop who have been lighting up our holiday times with this extraordinary good deed for many years. With so many things shut-down in our lives over the past months, this act of kindness is a light of hope!                                                                                     

Living out in the woods has its’ advantage during the dark times of COVID shutdown. We who live here reside in the best place on the planet to socially distance. In addition, to keeping at a safe distance, we have plenty of time to relish even more the activities in our natural surroundings.                                                                                                                                            

Such was the case a few days ago when action at our wilderness food trough provided a new experience in nature. Past observations of a wolf chasing deer through the yard, “Peeping Tom” bears on the deck, a fox licking out a fry pan and an affair of white tail mating are but a few of the back yard events during my twenty plus years at Wildersmith.                             

Another “wild neighborhood” encounter took place recently that I have never seen before. In as much, it is documented that preying raptors can often follow land based predators to a meal opportunity. I’ve also witnessed birds following other birds to attempt at cashing in on another’s food stash site. This observation was a fleeting version of such involving a well-recognized blue bird.                                                                                                                                              

“Piney” the marten stopped by not long ago for its daily pick-up of a poultry scrap. The animal doesn’t always eat in front of us gawkers, but usually heads off into the woods toward what I suppose is a den, to eat in private.                                                                                      

In this scene, an audience of blue jays were perched in the trees watching as the marten grabbed the treat. While it took off down the deck to the ground and toward wherever, a curious jaybird swooped down and proceeded to follow the fury critter. The flight pattern was not four or five feet above the scampering animal. Both quickly disappeared into obscurity of the forest.                                                                                                                                            
No doubt the wily jay was in hope the fowl morsel would be dropped, with a chance to scarf up the barnyard treat. The ending to this saga of being in the right place at the right time, remains a mini-mystery. Nevertheless, it was another engaging snippet of life in the woodsy world we are seldom privileged to witness.                                                                                                          

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, with wilderness calm and quiet, to renew and inspire!


Remembrance photos, eulogies and more can be shared on an Epilogg page. Photo by Rhonda Silence

WTIP partners with Epilogg: A Better Obituary

In 2016, WTIP Community Radio saw the need to help community members during a difficult the loss of a loved one. We began offering a space on our website on which to post obituaries. We've been honored to share the stories of many community members since that time.
WTIP is pleased to partner with an organization called Epilogg: A Better Obituary. WTIP and Epilogg are working together to see that everyone has the opportunity to tell the full life story of their loved one, as rich or as simple as you choose. 
This lovely, timely, memorial offering continues to be free. It can include obituary text, numerous full-color photos, and additional content, such as links to news articles or eulogies shared. Community members can "follow" a page to be notified of when memorial services will take place. There is a guest book and more on an Epilogg page. 
Just look for the Epilogg tab at the bottom of our website,, where you can find news and stories of friends and family who have passed on. And from there, you can also create an Epilogg page for your loved one. 
WTIP's Rhonda Silence spoke with Mary McGreevy, one of the co-founders of Epilogg about the purpose of this new service. You can hear that interview below. 
If you have questions or need assistance with crafting an Epilogg, please call WTIP at 218-387-1070 or email [email protected]

The Retrievers logo

The Retrievers - Amy Addy

WTIP's North Shore Morning host Mark Abrahamson talks with Amy Addy from The Retrievers and Missing Pets in the Northland about Pet IDs and microchipping.


Pine Marten photo by Fran Smith

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - December 4

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith
December 4, 2020    

The territory has rounded the corner into the concluding chapter of a sad and difficult 2020. It is hoped the usual tidings of December cheer can revive some smiles to a grim America.          
Apparently our winter expedition is still being put together. With just a couple weeks remaining until the Solstice, month eleven departed as one of the warmer November’s I can remember.                                                                                                                                                       
Not only have temps been mild, the upper Gunflint is in the midst of a continuing drought, dating back into the summer. With several days of leaden clouds looking like snow, only a couple inches have been added in this neighborhood to cover the brown patches mentioned last week, and that is about it, weather wise.                                                                        

To confirm, the unusual November warmth, I have not enjoyed the ambiance of our wood burning stove since late October, just relying on commercial made heat.                         

Meanwhile, a few nights in the past week have cooled enough to crank up the Zamboni. A few smaller lakes have frozen, thawed, frozen again over the past thirty days and are now slushy to thin.                                                                                                                                                     

In regard to the larger lakes, I did see Poplar Lake has taken on its’ winter coat. In the meantime, Gunflint, North, Seagull and Saganaga were trying on their winter wear earlier this week. However, another blast of warmth and southerlies saw them slip back out of their crystal covering. So water temps are at the point of waiting for a combo of zero and no wind to really get it on! Substantial safe ice may only be found on the smaller shallow bodies right now..                

With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror, the madness of holiday shopping, Christmas flicks on the tube and cooking/decorating have many folks in a state of hysteria. While the forest needs to be re-flocked for a second and third time, inside trimming rituals are taking place in many homes and businesses, as “getting ready for” takes on new meaning.                            

At Wildersmith, we are no exception. I’d been searching the past couple weeks for the perfect tree, and discovered in the hundreds of thousands, not far from my back door, there seems to be not a single perfect coniferous sole. Although as a piney ecological complex, the forest is natural perfection.                                                                                                                        

Finally, with tree cutting permit in hand, the Smith’s found one that pretty well fills the bill, with minimal imperfections. And once brought inside, the perky little pine looks to be a perfect fit. At least this aspect of holiday shopping frustration is resolved. Now the annual household decorating debate will be getting underway.                                                                                                                                                         
Wreath making has been the order too, as white pine and cedar pruning remnants have been recycled into symbolical orbits of celebrating life.                                                                         

Gala seasonal merrymaking is already underway at the deck side feeding headquarters.  I’ve opened the cache to several different menu items, and my “wild neighborhood” guests seem delighted.                                                                                                                   

Especially so have been the pine martens with the provision of turkey day leftovers. While these delicacies lasted but two days, the addition of a frozen can of bacon lard has become a prized treat for winged folk and martens alike. Add a garnish of sunflower seeds, corn on the cob, peanut butter cakes, old frozen fish and chips, and outdoor dining couldn’t get any better.                                                                                                                                       

With an update on the squirrel hunting marten, mentioned last week, I report its’ success in amassing poultry parts and two squirrels in one short time span was apparently cause for being AWOL two days. There might have been serious indigestion inside that den.                      

Breaking news comes from Hungry Jack Lake reporting the sighting of a couple bandit raccoons. Perhaps the invasive ring tail critters, who’ve been frequenting places along Gunflint Lake lately, have moved on to the east, or maybe invited some relatives up for a border country Christmas.                                                                                                                                      

If a heads-up to wolf pack members could be arranged, these garbage mongers offer a pre-holiday menu alternative to beaver and snow shoe hares. A tip to human pelt collectors, raccoons have a great liking for bread and blueberry jam.                                                                  

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, as we await the cold season Solstice.


Lakehead University

Global Indigenous Speakers Series

WTIP's CJ Heithoff speaks with Lakehead University's Vice-Provost of Indigenous Initiatives, Denise Baxter about the virtual Global Indigenous Speakers Series - "Imagining Possibilities Through Indigenous Knowledge Systems".

Here is a link to the virtual seminars:


Operation Family Christmas works to see presents under the tree for all children. Photo by Hert Niks,

Community opportunity to join Operation Family Christmas

The Cook County community is once again coming together to make the holidays brighter for families who may be struggling this holiday season. Operation Family Christmas is under way. 

Operation Family Christmas is a local program that works to ensure that all the children in our county wake up on Christmas morning to some presents under the tree. 

The program gathers names of families that may need some assistance in making the holiday special from various social agencies, churches, and the community. Tags are then made with general information about children needing a gift. It is entirely confidential. People who want to "adopt a child"  may take a tag bearing the child's age, gender, and gift suggestions. 

The tags are hung on decorated trees at the Grand Marais State Bank in Grand Marais and at the Lutsen and Grand Marais branches of the North Shore Federal Credit Union.

Operation Family Christmas asks that gifts be returned by December 16. Gifts should not be wrapped--organizers want the parents to see what their child is receiving and to have the opportunity to wrap the gift themselves. Organizer Jes Rodne adds that gift wrap or gift bags are welcome as donations as well. 

The program, like so many others, has been modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone who wants to take part, but doesn't want to go into the businesses with the trees may call Jes Rodne to get the information on a tag. They may then drop them off at the Cook County Community Center, which provides very limited public contact. 

If you'd like more information, contact Jes Rodne at 218-370-2019 or email [email protected]

WTIP's Rhonda Silence spoke with Jes Rodne to learn why she continues to be involved with Operation Family Christmas and how you can help make a child's Christmas sweeter.
