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North Shore Morning

  • Monday 8-10am
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News & Information

News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!


What's On:
Staci Lola

Staci Lola Drouillard wins NE MN Book Award

Local author Staci Lola Drouillard recently won the Northeastern Minnesota Book Award in nonfiction for her first book, “Walking the Old Road: A People’s History of Chippewa City and the Grand Marais Anishinaabe."

North Shore Morning host Mark Abrahamson talks with Staci about this latest award and the book she is currently working on.


Michelle Schroeder_Photo submitted by MS

Backpacking 101 - December

In this edition of "Backpacking 101" with Michelle Schroeder, Michelle talks about her month-long hiking and car-camping trip to the Southwest and the challenges COVID-19 presents to personal hygiene and finding food along the way.


Scott Oeth - Photo via Facebook

Money Matters - Scott Oeth December

In this edition of "Money Matters", financial planner Scott Oeth talks about charitable giving and tax code changes.



North Woods Naturalist: Northern goshawk and beaver encounters

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist and she joins us periodically to report on what she’s seeing in our woods and waters right now.

In this edition of North Woods Naturalist, Chel describes some of her recent wildlife encounters.


Michelle Schroeder_Photo submitted by MS

Backpacking 101 - Michelle Schroeder - November

"Backpacking 101" with Michelle Schroeder is a monthly feature on WTIP's North Shore Morning.
In this edition, NSM host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Michelle about end-of-year gear maintenance.



Public Health & Human Services - Financial Assistance

WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with Public Health and Human Services Financial Assistance Supervisor, Allison Plummer about the many federal, state and local programs available to Cook County residents who may be struggling to make ends meet during this challenging time.


Wildersmith Let it Snow

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - November 27

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith
November 27, 2020     

November is fading fast as we gathered to celebrate the bounty of blessings from another growing season. I hope all holed up to stay safe during this raging surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths. Thanksgiving 2020 for millions was not the most glorious!                                      

On a related note, we should have given thanks, and must continue giving thanks, for thousands of essential healthcare professionals who gave their utmost to the deceased, and keep hanging in there against difficult odds for the countless humans, being cared for at the moment. To all of these heroes’, please don’t give up, never give up!                                                            
The holiday in this neighborhood was quiet as might be expected. In fact, a busy day in the Wildersmith neighborhood during cold season never has much activity. All was good!              

With the word “normal” hard to define on a lot of fronts these days, even weather conditions in the upper Trail are confusing. I would guess we could say the last days of month eleven have been normal. But since the first touch of winter in mid-to late October, recent temps of warmth, to coldand back to warmth has me wondering, if this is going to be the “new norm” as winter keeps sputtering.                                                                                                                                                                                  

In the meantime, our snow covered landscape looks like a spotted brown and white dog, and several lakes are melting their hard water cover. Our “Hallmark card” majesty has stepped back into a rather unsightly naked forest. I guess we’ll just give it twenty-four hours and see what’s in the offing.                                                                                                      

Perhaps the rising of an Ojibwe, “freezing over” full moon will turn the tide (no pun intended) back toward the crystal persuasion. And, December can step up with the customary “grace and meaning, bringing finality” to this painful and troublesome 2020.                                            

While wolves don’t necessarily, really howl at the moon, this might be a good time to do such for one that has apparently, been deer hunting along the Mile O Pine. In what snow remains along the road, I tracked one heading toward Wildersmith a few days ago. Tracks eventually disappeared into the woods so where it ended up, is anyone’s guess.                                                     

It would be a good bet the hungry carnivore went without venison if fortunes matched those of two legged hunting counterparts. Wolfy probably had to settle for an appetizer of snowshoe hare or head to a local beaver lodge.                                                                                     

My foxy friend has gone AWOL again, not being seen for over a week. Neighbors down the road have a similar fluffy tail visitor, so maybe the one I claim has adopted new providers.      

Nevertheless, a pine marten or two have not abandoned this place of fast food opportunities. While the art of hunting in the wild, by a wild being is a seldom, observed reality, timing was just right for the Smith’s to follow a couple episodes of predator/prey drama, playing out right here on our deck.                                                                                                      

The mortal scene could make one feel a little squeamish as Mr./Ms. Marten bagged a daily limit of two squirrels (in separate incidents) right before our eyes.                                            

The goings on were dreadful from a squirrel stand-point. But Martens have to eat too. This favor of watching death or life in our natural world can be either dire or delightful. It’s just the way of the woods, but always, an experience to remember.                                                                                                                       
Another loss has come to our Gunflint Community of neighbors. Word has been received from the family of Robert “Bob” Omoth,  announcing his un-expected passing, on November 14th at his winter home in Florida. Bob was 90.                                                                

He first came to Cook County in the 1950’s and has resided seasonally with wife Barbara at their cabin on Gunflint Lake for over thirty years.                                                                           

Bob was an aerospace engineer working in both the Apollo and Space Shuttle programs until retirement.  He was one-time president of the Gunflint Lake Property Owners Association and active in many lake activities.                                                                                                            
Bob is survived, and will be missed, by his wife of 66 years, two daughters, five grandchildren, other family relatives, as well as his Gunflint Lake friends and neighbors. Gunflint Community condolences are extended to all who knew and loved him.                                                        

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, with “nature being a refuge, from the ills of humanity!”                            


National Park Service logo

Update from Grand Portage National Monument

WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with Grand Portage National Monument's Chief of Interpretation and Public Information Officer, Anna Deschampe about an internship position, the film "Rendezvous with History: A Grand Portage Story" and more.

Here is a  link to the film:


The Conservation Fund

The Conservation Fund purchases 70,000 acres in Minnesota

Recently, The Conservation Fund purchased more than 70,000 acres of northern Minnesota forestland from the Potlatch lumber company, making it one of the largest conservation efforts in the state’s recent history.

WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with Kim Berns-Melhus, the Minnesota state director of The Conservation Fund, to learn more about the group and their plans for the land.



North Woods Naturalist: November re-emergences

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist and she joins us periodically to report on what she’s seeing in our woods and waters right now.

In this edition of North Woods Naturalist, Chel talks about things that are re-emerging with the reduction in snow cover, including orange jelly fungus, clubmoss, red squirrels, and more.
