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Growing and Changing

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Saints of Circumstance in Studio A

Saints of Circumstance return to The Roadhouse

Northern Wisconsin band The Saints of Circumstance stopped by The Roadhouse before a recent gig on the North Shore.  The group is a quartet of David Blong (guitar), Olaf Kirsten (guitar),


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves 2017 Part 3: Not Just a Pretty Picture - the power of art to change and heal

This episode of Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves explores the power of art to heal us individually and as a community.


Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves 2017 Part 2: Thriving in times of rapid change, with Jennifer Garvey Berger

This second program in the 2017 series - hosted by Marcia Hyatt - features a conversation with Dr.


'Best of Ourselves' podcast has new home

Marcia Hyatt is a leadership and live coach and long time contributor to WTIP.


Creating Positive Habits - September 19, 2015

Gretchen Rubin's new book, Better Than Before, shows creating new habits is not a one size fits all deal. Knowing yourself helps you find your way to positive habits.


Creating a Learning Mindset - August 1, 2015

Reflecting on the work of Carol Dweck.  We can learn to change the channel from our fixed mindset (when we tell ourselves we cannot learn) to a growth mindset (a key for growth and change). 


Acceptance as a way to change - May 16, 2015

When we try to suppress parts of ourselves, they get stronger.


Sharing Our Suffering - April 4, 2015

Being present with our suffering and having the courage to share it with trusted friends is part of the healing process.  As Leonard Cohen said, "Cracks are how the light gets in."


Changing the Context to Change Ourselves - January 17, 2015

We can support ourselves in changing behavior by changing the environment.  Don't want to eat as much candy, move the dish further away or out of site.