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Michigan Tech researcher reviews recent discoveries in Isle Royale moose study

Wildlife ecologist Prof. John Vucetich chatted with Bob Sept. 3 about the long-running moose-wolf study on Isle Royale, recent discoveries about arthritis in moose, and what it might mean for humans.


North Shore corridor important to fall migration

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


Field Notes: Magnolia warbler and blue headed vireo

Field Notes with Molly Hoffman can be heard every Thursday, Fri


Time for spring singing in the marshes and blooming in the woods

This is the time of year to hear frogs in the lowlands and start to see wildflowers in the forest.


Points North: No moose hunt app for this Minnesotan

I'm not applying for a Minnesota moose permit this year.


Points North: Strange Steelhead Fishing

Steelhead began running in North Shore rivers nearly a month ahead of schedule. If the rivers get much dryer, they’ll have to walk rather than swim upstream to reach their spawning grounds.


Spring flowers are coming out and so are the beavers

This is the time of year we see pussy willows along the roadsides and marsh marigolds blooming in the wetlands WTIPs Jay Andersen talks with a local phenologist about early flowers, migrating bir