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Late migrating birds are in the fall skies

 Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


Points North: On the Plains, Human Encounters Are Few, But Memorable

 On the western plains, most everything seems temporary or transient. All that has permanence is the grass. Plow it up and even the dirt blows away.



Wildlife buttons up for winter

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


Points North: As Goes The Grouse Hunter, So Goes The Hunting

 On a sunny Sunday afternoon in October, you don't expect to be alone when you go for a drive along North Shore


Points North: Important Moose Questions Remain Unanswered

 If Minnesota moose are declining due to a warming climate, why are they still sighted with some regularity at the very southern edge of their range in the state, in places like southern Itasca,


Brook trout spawn is on in cold streams

 Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


Points North: Irony Amidst Beauty Along Autumn Byways

 One word describes autumn color on the North Shore this year—extraordinary. Perfect summer weather extended into September, when just enough rain fell to replenish the thirsty forest.


Busy beavers and ballooning spiders signify fall

 Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


Mammals begin the process of storing up for winter

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


Climate change could bring major changes to BWCAW

Could the boreal forest of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness change to a more temperate hardwood landscape or even a grassland savanna? If so, when?