Harvesting birch bark with Beth Homa-Style
Will Moore-Beth Homa-Style is a former North House intern and professional birch bark weaver and artisan based out of Minneapolis.
U of MN looks for public input on prioritizing invasive species
-Researchers at the MN Invasive Terrestrial Plants & Pests Center recently compiled an extensive paper that ranks the 124 top invaders--and now they're looking for input from you. Dick spoke with Rob Venette, director of the center, and Heather Koop, associate director, about the report, why it's important, and how you can help. They're accepting public input on their website through July 29.
Forest bathing---improve your health by immersing yourself in nature
-Ever hear of forest bathing? It's an idea that comes from Japan, of literally immersing yourself in nature to improve your mental and physical health. Dr. Jean Larson of the Center for Spirituality & Healing and the U of MN Arboretum joined Dave recently to explain why getting out into the forest, away from the bustle of modern urban life, is good for body and soul.
Tofte District Ranger Kurt Steele talks safety & ethics in the woods
-Just in time for the holiday weekend, we checked in with Kurt Steele, district ranger for the Tofte district of the U.S. Forest Service. He talked with Dick about safety, ethics, permits, and much more.
Citizens' Climate Lobby addresses climate change
-The Citizens' Climate Lobby is a nonpartisan group working to spread the idea that each one of us can help to address climate change.
Sea Change- The Final Podcast
-Katya Gordon and her family from Two Harbors are sailing Lake Superior to raise awareness about climate change.
Sea Change- Old Man's Pocket
-Katya Gordon and her family from Two Harbors are sailing Lake Superior to raise awareness about climate change.
Sea Change- Climate Change on Lake Superior
-Katya Gordon and her family from Two Harbors are sailing Lake Superior to raise awareness about climate change.
Sea Change- Learning to Sail
-Katya Gordon and her family from Two Harbors are sailing Lake Superior to raise awareness about climate change.