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Wildersmith April 12

Fred Smith is a native Iowan and retired high school athletic administrator now living on the upper Gunflint Trail with his wife Fran.

The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg

LSProject: The Life Salvelinus

The Grand Portage Native Fish Hatchery has been producing and rearing coaster brook trout, a native Lake Superior fish, since 2007.


Wildersmith March 29

Adios March…it’s almost April…no fooling! The way month three has flown by makes me wonder if there isn’t some way we could slow life down.


Wildersmith April 5

The upper Gunflint Territory seemed headed toward a lamb-like end to March. We were teased with a couple swell early spring days, then came Easter Sunday.


Wildersmith March 22

‘Twas the days before spring, and all through the woods, the critters were stirring in shivering wonderment.


Points North: Should the Boundary Waters Be a Wolf Sanctuary?

Should Minnesota establish a wolf sanctuary, where hunting and trapping of the species is not allowed? Recently, the eminent wolf biologist Dr. L.


Arctic explorer Lonnie Dupre on his third attempt at Denali & his recently published memoir, "Life on Ice"

Buck chatted Mar. 8 with  explorer Lonnie Dupre, recently back from his third unsuccessful attempt to summit Denali solo in January. Lonnie talks about what went wrong, what he might do differently on a fourth try, and more. His memoir, "Life on Ice," is up for a MN Book Award and a NE Minnesota Book Award.


Northern Sky: Jupiter, Saturn & Comet PanSTARRS

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.


Wildersmith March 8

Whew, a week of March has come and gone already. Our semi-winter continues in the upper Gunflint.


Points North: Will Water Management Influence Future Farm Policy?

News reports from the Pheasant Fest show held in Minneapolis during February suggest the best days of pheasant and duck hunting in the upper Midwest are behind us.