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Wildersmith May 17

Our second week of month five found that stubborn Old Man of the North slipping some but still unwilling to relinquish full command of his extended reign over the upper Gunflint atmosphere.

The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg -Photo by CircleFace via Flickr

LSProject: The Great Waste

By now you might have heard of a thing called “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” But if you haven’t, it’s basically a large vortex in the center of the Pacific Ocean where scie


Northern Sky: In mid-May, catch Jupiter, Saturn, Corvus

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.


Nosey Rosey April 26

Talk about snow on the Gunflint Trail! One small resident is fed up with it. In this commentary, our favorite canine correspondent, Nosey Rosey, brings us another report from Hungry Jack.


Great Lakes increasingly threatened due to pollution from plastics

Bob spoke recently with Dr. Lorena M. Rios Mendoza, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, about her research into pollution by plastic particles in the Great Lakes. The particles not only affect water quality, they present dangers to fish and birds who ingest them.


Boundary Waters/South Kawishi River #6 on Most Endangered Rivers list

Buck spoke Apr. 19 with Amy Kober, senior director of communications at American Rivers. They just released their annual report on America's Most Endangered Rivers, and the South Kawishiwi/Boundary Waters is sixth on the list, due to threats from proposed copper and nickel mining.


Wildersmith April 19

The calendar says spring, but our north country landscape indicates otherwise.  At the time of this keyboard exercise, little progress has been made on recognizing spring characteristics.


Northern Sky: Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower & more in early May

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.


Mermaids do exist. Buck speaks with one on The Roadhouse

Buck chatted Apr. 5 with Linden Wolbert, who quit her full-time job a few years back to be a professional mermaid. With skills in free diving, SCUBA, and snorkeling, plus videography, it's been the perfect choice. She does everything from underwater modeling to pool parties to teaching children about ocean conservation. Check out her website here.


Peter Smerud on the remarkable peregrine falcon

Cathy Quinn spoke recently with Peter Smerud, executive director of Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, about the peregrine falcon. Nearly wiped out by DDT by the 1960s, there are now at least 21 nesting pairs along the North Shore. Peter shares stories about falcons, including his experiences rock-climbing to reach their nests.