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County Board votes to support Environmental Impact Study on Polymet mine

Cook County Commissioners are sending a support letter to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


North Shore communication cutoff on Tuesday

People along the North Shore on Tuesday found themselves reverting to a pre-Internet and telephone world after a damaged fiber-optic line in Duluth shut down communications.


Lakeshore septic inspections continue as county puts ordinance on hold

Recent changes in Minnesota Pollution Control Agency rules have put a halt to Cook County’s efforts to revise the septic system ordinance.


County debate heats up over telecommuting issue

The state of Minnesota is moving toward what’s being called a “redesign” in government.


County to stall septic ordinance progress for now

Cook County Commissioners are not going forward with revisions to the septic system ordinance until they know where the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency stands.


Sen. Franken on Afghanistan, healthcare, Haiti and election results in Massachusetts

Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Al Franken recently returned from Afghanistan and shares his experience with WTIP in an interview with Jay Andersen on DayBreak. Sen.

Cedar Grove Business Park entrance photographed by Carah Thomas

IRR allows city to use former Sawtooth Cottages grant for Business Park

The city of Grand Marais got some good news recently.