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Local fishing report for Oct. 8

10/8/10 – There are lots of fish in Cook County lakes, the trick is to know where they are and how to catch them.


Lodging tax revenues project an upbeat picture

Lodging tax revenues for the month of August were up from July county-wide according to the latest report from the Cook County Auditor-Treasurer’s office.


October is Children's Health Month

Children’s health has been on the national agenda since 1928, when Congress designated the first Monday in October as national Child Health Day.  In 1992 the American Academy of Pediat


Local school not alone seeking operating levy

On November 2, Cook County Schools ISD166 will ask residents to support an operating levy that will bring the district an average of $377,000 in each of the next five years.


How to feed your kids is the key to improving what they eat

According to a doctor who specializes in healthy eating and how to help young people with their eating habits,  it doesn’t have to be so hard to get picky kids eating right.


Hovland Fire Department awarded FEMA grant

The Hovland Volunteer Fire Department learned last week that it will receive a $28,000 FEMA grant to help with recruitment, training, and support.


Weekend News Wrap for Oct. 2

Each weekend the WTIP News Department assembles the week’s important news stories to play here on North Shore Weekend.


Bill to ease fishing guide licensing pending presidential signature

A bill waiting to be signed into law by President Obama contains a provision that will cut red tape for Minnesota fishing guides.  According to Rep.


WTIP to broadcast live call-in Candidate Forums

The November 2 General Election is just around the corner, and since “all politics is local,” now is the time to become involved and informed on our local issues and candidates.