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Family Fishing Day is June 11

A number of local agencies and businesses are hosting a Family Fishing Day in early June.


Sale of Gunflint Lodge nears completion

The sale of Gunflint Lodge is likely to be complete by mid-June, according to county officials and staff at the lodge. WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs reports on this story. 


Art therapy studio opens in Grand Marais

Local resident Belle Janicek has opened a new therapy business in Grand Marais.


The Beginnings of the "Artworks" Artists' Co-op

Artworks is a forthcoming artists' co-operative in Cook County that is the brainchild of Grand Marais mayor Jay Arrowsmith-Decoux and local artist J. Neisen.

Erin Denny and Lexi Bruno train for their journey. Submitted photo

Two Minnesota women plan to paddle entire shoreline of Lake Superior in kayaks

A pair out of Duluth will attempt to paddle around Lake Superior this summer on sea kayaks.


Community Conversations: The Pie Place Cafe and Cookbook

Carl Solander talks to Jeremy and Plaumy Chase, owners of the Pie Place Cafe, as well as Kathy Rice, author of the Pie Place Cookbook.


Sue Dittus makes the big jump on her 80th

On May 20 Grand Marais resident Sue Dittus turned 80. To celebrate, she jumped from an airplane at 5,000 feet.  WTIP's Jay Andersen spoke with Sue on "Daybreak."


Sliding scale changes at Sawtooth Mt. Clinic

Sawtooth Mountain Clinic needs sliding scale recipients to re-enroll because of some changing federal requirements.

Grand Teton National Park. Photo by Maggie Friedrichs

North Shore residents share experiences from volunteering in National Parks

Two Cook County women have been volunteering their services at America’s National Parks and other places of notoriety across the country.


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for May 21

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Fire news again dominated the week. Mesabi Academy is set to close.