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Enrollment and vocational programs were topics at school board meetings

The ISD166 school board looked at ways to improve vocational programs at Cook County Schools. The Great Expectations board grappled with the good problem of class enrollment waiting lists.


Community Center project managers propose oversight on all 1% projects

Tom Wacholz, who heads ORB Management, is the county’s choice to be the construction management team for the community center project.


"Mush For A Cure" may face a bumpy legal trail in the future

This winter the Gunflint Trail will again host “Mush For A Cure,” a 24-mile dogsled event to raise money to fight breast cancer.


Weekend News Roundup for Jan. 15

Each weekend WTIP news produces a round up of the news stories they’ve been following this week.


Isle Royale cultural resource plan comment period ends January 16

The deadline to comment on how Isle Royale National Park should manage its cultural resources closes on January 16.  The park is at the beginning of a process to come up with a Cultural Resource


Local Fish Report for Jan. 14

Our fishing expert, Jon Muhich of Buck’s Hardware, says Saturday, the 15th, TROUT season opens outside the BWCAW. It’s already open inside.


Knight Foundation grants awarded to Cook County Higher Education and WTIP

The Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation (DSACF) recently announced the distribution of more than a quarter million dollars in grants.  Among the recipients are two local non-profits, WTIP N


City may be excluded from new community center planning

In 2005 the City of Grand Marais contracted with Burbach Aquatics of Platteville WI to study replacement or renovation of its municipal pool.


Mayor, newly elected council members sworn in

Mayor Larry Carlson took the oath of office at Wednesday’s Grand Marais City Council meeting. New councilor Bob Spry and re-elected councilor Bill Lenz were also sworn in.


Split Rock Lighthouse State Park adds acreage

Split Rock Lighthouse State Park acquired 19 acres in late December, thanks in large part to the efforts of the non-profit Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota.