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Weekend Outdoors

Shake it off! by Travis Novitsky

Larry Weber
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.

What's On:

Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: April 5th

WeekendOutdoors_20140405.mp37.02 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of the Hood Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) courtesy of Ellen & Tony



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: March 29th

WeekendOutdoors_20140329.mp313.03 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of the River Otter (Lontra canadensis) courtesy of Yellowstone National Park Service



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: March 22nd

WeekendOutdoors_20140322.mp314.41 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of the Crocuses Sprouting courtesy of Judy Merrill-Smith



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: March 15th

weekendoutdoors_20140315.mp37.36 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of the buds and catkins of a quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) courtesy of Matt Lavin



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: March 8th

weekendoutdoors_20140308.mp37.19 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of a Willow Tree with Snow courtesy of Lynne Whitehorn



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: March 1st

weekendoutdoors_20140301.mp38.12 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of Lake Superior Ice courtesy of flickr user D-Monk



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: February 22nd

weekendoutdoors_20140222.mp37.73 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of Fisher Tracks (Martes pennanti) courtesy of flickr user KegRiver



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: February 15th

weekendoutdoors_20140215.mp35.46 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of a Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) courtesy of Caleb Putnam



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: February 8th

WeekendOutdoors_20140208.mp314.84 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of a Flock of Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) courtesy of Will Montague



Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: February 1st

WeekendOutdoors_20140201.mp315.27 MB

Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast. 

Photo of the Snowshoe Hare Tracks (Lepus americanus) courtesy of Ken Sturm/USFWS
