Weekend Outdoors

Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: June 14th
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WeekendOutdoors_20140614.mp3 | 16.26 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) courtesy of Martin LaBar
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: June 7th
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WeekendOutdoors_20140607sm.mp3 | 7.17 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Mosquito Pupa (Culicidae) courtesy of Alberto Garcia
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: May 31st
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WeekendOutdoors_20140531.mp3 | 7.72 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) courtesy of Eli Sagor
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: May 24th
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WeekendOutdoors_20140524.mp3 | 15.85 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) courtesy of flickr user J Jongsma
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: May 17th
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WeekendOutdoors_20140517.mp3 | 5.3 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) courtesy of Dave Huth
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: May 10th
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WeekendOutdoors_20140510.mp3 | 5.67 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Sharp-Lobed Hepatica (Hepatica nobilis) courtesy of Brett Whaley
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: May 3rd
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WeekendOutdoors_20140503.mp3 | 6.53 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Blue-spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale) courtesy of Fyn Kynd
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: April 26th
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WeekendOutdoors_20140426.mp3 | 4.73 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of an American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) courtesy of Rick Leche
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: April 19th
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WeekendOutdoors_20140419.mp3 | 5.43 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of a Junco (Junco hyemalis) courtesy of Keith Williams
Weekend Outdoors with Larry Weber: April 12th
-Attachment | Size |
WeekendOutdoors_20140412.mp3 | 3.95 MB |
Local naturalist and retired teacher Larry Weber joins us each Saturday morning to share his observations on what's going on in the great outdoors. Tune in to North Shore Weekend from 7-10 Saturday mornings on WTIP to listen to Larry live, download and listen at your convenience, or subscribe to a podcast.
Photo of Measuring Snow Depth courtesy of Sally Mahoney