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Northern Sky

East Bay Moon Crescent/Photo by Stephan Hoglund

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.


What's On:

Northern Sky: May 14 - 27

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

Mars in opposition, at its peak brightness the 21 through 24; a soft golden Saturn also in opposition; Jupiter in the southwest; this week's challenge: Corvus, the crow; and a full moon rising at 8:24pm on Sautrday 21, four hours after fullness.

(image by chaouki via Wikimedia Commons)


Northern Sky: April 30 - May 13

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

The spring sky features Leo, Jupiter and Virgo; Mars and Saturn are rising in Scorpio near midnight; the cross-quarter day of Beltane; and Mercury transits the sun on May 9.

(photo by Tomruen via Wikimedia Commons)



Northern Sky: April 16 - 29

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

In the second half of April, we get a visit from Mercury and also a full moon; look for Saturn and Mars rising before midnight; and the ancient Celtic holiday beginning at sundown April 30, also known as the Witches' Sabbath.

(Photo by Kabsik Park on Flickr)



Northern Sky: April 2

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

Planet Mercury in its best evening showing of the year; Jupiter and Regulus (Leo); the week's challenge - Hydra; in the morning sky, Scorpius, Mars and Saturn; the teapot of Sagitarius; a new moon on April 7.



Northern Sky: March 19

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

The Spring Equinox and March winds; Jupiter all night long; in the predawn sky, Mars and Saturn with Scorpius; a full moon on the morning of March 23.



Northern Sky: March 5

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

Opposition of Jupiter; a new moon on March 8; the Beehive; Mars, Saturn and Antares in the morning sky; moving to Daylight Savings Time on March 13.

(photo via Wikimedia Commons)



Northern Sky: February 20

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

A full Snow Moon or Hunger Moon on February 22; Earth prepares to lap Jupiter on March 8; Scorpius, Saturn and Mars in the morning sky; and in news - cataclysmic events producing gravitational waves that we can now detect.

(constellation map by Torsten Bronger via Wikimedia Commons)


Northern Sky: February 6

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

The East-to-West line up, an hour before sunrise: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Antares, Mars, Spica, Jupiter, and Regulus; evening sky action in the south; Orion's Belt and Sword with the Orion Nebula and Horsehead Nebula; and the Earth prepares to lap Jupiter.



Northern Sky: January 23

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

Two constellation challenges: Canus Major and Lepus; the full Wolf Moon on January 23; details on how to find the five visible planets ; a cross quarter day on February 2, Groundhog Day; and evidence of Planet 9, very far away.



Northern Sky: January 9

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.

Jupiter below Leo; the winter hexagon and winter triangle; a new moon on January 9; and Venus, Saturn and Mars in the morning sky.
