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Northern Sky

East Bay Moon Crescent/Photo by Stephan Hoglund

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota. She authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and contributes to WTIP bi-weekly on the Monday North Shore Morning program through "Northern Sky," where she shares what's happening with stars, planets and more.


What's On:

Northern Sky: October 1 - 14

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

There's a lot to see just after sunset early in the month of October; as the moon marches eastward it travels above Saturn and Mars. Jupiter and Mercury are close together just before sunrise on October 11. The Fall constellations are appearing with Capricornus, the sea goat, seen faintly to the east.   



Northern Sky: September 17 - 30

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

In the evening sky, the Summer Triangle high in the south, binoculars needed for the Coathanger, and Venus low in the west; Mercury best seen in the morning sky on September 29; Jupiter moves from the evening to the morning sky; the Fall Equinox on September 22; and in news: a cryovolcano on the dwarf planet Ceres.

(photo of the Summer Triangle by NASA via Wikimedia Commons)



Northern Sky: September 3-16

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

A waxing moon with lots of company; Venus and Jupiter; Spica; Saturn and Antares useful for finding Mars; the teaspoon near the teapot of Sagitarius; and the Harvest Moon near perigee on the 16th.

(photo of Mars by NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team via Wikimedia Commons)



Northern Sky: August 20 - September 2

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

Venus and Jupiter are seen low in the west; Mars will put on a show of speed. The "summer triangle" will appear in the south. The Milky Way stretches from northeast to southwest across the evening sky.

(Photo courtesy of Philippe Put on Flickr)



Northern Sky: August 6 - 19

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

The Perseid meteor shower peaking on August 12, with a chance of an ‘earth grazer’; the Persied’s parent comet – Swift-Tuttle; August’s full moon on the 18th; Mars gliding through the crown of Scorpius August 6-11; and in the West, Bootes, the Herdsman.

Dark skies for starwatching around the new moon on August 2; Scorpius low in the south with Mars and Saturn; an asterism - the teapot of Sagittarius; this episodes challenge constellation: Ophiuchus, the snake handler; and the summer triangle, high in the east and moving westward.

(photo by Nick Ares via Wikimedia Commons)



Northern Sky: July 23 - Aug 5

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

Dark skies for starwatching around the new moon on August 2; Scorpius low in the south with Mars and Saturn; an asterism - the teapot of Sagittarius; this episodes challenge constellation: Ophiuchus, the snake handler; and the summer triangle, high in the east and moving westward.

(map by Torsten Bronger via Wikimedia Commons)



Northern Sky: July 9 - 22

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown; Scorpius, low in the south, near Mars and Saturn; and big Jupiter news: NASA's Juno entered Jupiter's orbit.

(photo: High Heels by THOR/Flickr)  Tune in to Deane's audio to learn more about Jupiter and find out why this is an appropriate photo.



Northern Sky: June 25 - July 8

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

A new moon and earth at aphelion on July 4; historical speculation about Sirius' involvement in the dog days; Regulus, Jupiter, Mars, Scorpius and Saturn all in the late evening sky; and in the news: light pollution interfering with seeing the Milky Way.



Northern Sky: June 11 - 24

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

Mars in retrograde; gigantic Antares between and below Mars and Saturn; Arcturus; on June 20, the summer soltice and a full moon.

(image courtesy of Blueshade via Wikimedia Commons)



Northern Sky: May 28 - June 10

Deane Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota, where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.

Saturn takes the stage: a huge lightweight in opposition on June 3 - only 378 million miles away; Saturn's winds, rings and many moons.
