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North Shore Weekend

  • Saturday 7-10am
Host CJ Heithoff brings you this Saturday morning show, created at the request of WTIP listeners.  North Shore Weekend features three hours of community information, features, interviews, and music. It's truly a great way to start your weekend on the North Shore. Arts, cultural and history features on WTIP’s North Shore Weekend are made possible with funding from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.



What's On:

North Woods Natarulist: Life in the river water

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist and she joins us periodically to report on what she’s seeing in our woods and waters right now.


Anastasia Gill dog selfie

Texas Cold - Checking in with Anastasia Gill

The polar vortex reached all the way to Texas with devastating effect.  CJ Heithoff checks in with Anastasia Gill, who spent last winter in Cook County helping local musher Frank Moe and now is back home in Houston.


Wildersmith Let it Snow

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - February 19

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by Fred Smith
February 19, 2021    

With all of North Country frozen in time, news of anything but weather is difficult to find.  There just aren’t too many folks moving about, and the same continues with beasts of the forest, for the most part.                                                                                                                           

The weather yoyo has been at the bottom of a free-wheeling spin since our last WTIP meeting. Thermometers here at Wildersmith have been mired below zero since just before midnight on Thursday, February fourth, and remained so, as I compiled this weeks’ Gunflint report this past Tuesday evening, the 16th.                                                                                                 

The math is easy as I was at two hundred sixty-six consecutive hours and counting, of below zero.  A few more will have been tacked on before we climbed out of the freezer Wednesday.                                                                                                                                     

There may be historical documentation somewhere in Gunflint territory confirming such long stretches of bitter cold, in days gone by. It seems the current freeze up would surely rank right up there on the list. If not, this time must be a modern day record of some kind. At least, I have no record of anything like this in my twenty-two winters on the Mile O Pine.                            

For sure, there has been no snow pack melting, much less any additions as the “brittle Grinch” kept snow accumulations to places south, where folks don’t have the same  appreciation as Gunflinter’s do.                                                                                                     

And to take things one step farther, nearly every bit of moisture in the air has been squeezed out into extremely low humidity’s. Any shuffle across the floor, and with a touch to anything metallic gives one a tingling zap as a reminder. Humidifying components just can’t keep up.                                                                                                                                            
Ice on area lakes has without a doubt taken on a new dimension of thickness, but it may be hard to tell how much. While ice anglers are a hardy bunch, there’s been little activity go by in a good many days. So augers are on hold and may be in need of extensions when line wetting once again picks up.                                                                                                                             
Fisher people are no exception in regard to being scarce during the spell. Animal traffic remains sporadic in spite of the need to eat. New tracks in the snow indicate both a fox and a wolf have been snooping around.  Pine martens have come back with an apparent yearning for a poultry snack.                                                                                                                                   
And a hungry downy woodpecker has discovered a can of bacon grease to its liking, having been here day after day to peck away at the frozen treat. The little gal/guy in the black and white check suit with a red beret is so intent, it perches on the lip of the can for long periods of time, letting no others in for a share.                                                                                  
On several of the bitter mornings, we’ve had a pink haze at the feed trough. It’s not from the sun arising to a skinny cloud cover, but flock of pine grosbeaks. For a few winters we’ve observed very few, so it’s exciting to see a return of these rose feathered beauties. So that’s about it from the cold and quiet “wild neighborhood.”                                                                 

News from the Gunflint Trail Historical Society finds the staff and Board busy in preparation for the coming season, in spite of not knowing what COVID might allow. During the winter, the second annual Gift Club was successfully conducted and endowed, thanks to twenty five charitable Society members.2021 programs are being scheduled, a couple new exhibits are in the works, staffing is rounding into shape with the hiring of a new Nature Center Director and a Campus Operations Assistant and the 2021 membership renewal campaign is underway.                     

The GTHS on-line, silent auction closed this past Tuesday after a ten day run, and was a tremendous success. Funds raised will go to assist in sustaining general Campus operating expenses. Thanks to all who donated items and services, the staff for organization/marketing and all who did some energetic bidding!                                                                                            
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, in a special wilderness way!



North Woods Naturalist: Trees surviving cold

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist and she joins us periodically to report on what she’s seeing in our woods and waters right now.


Superior National Forest Update

Superior National Forest Update

Superior National Forest Update with Steve Robertsen.  Steve is an education and interpretation specialist with the USDA Forest Service, Superior National Forest.  



Northern Sky: February 13-26

Dean Morrison is a science writer at the University of Minnesota where she authors the Minnesota Starwatch column.
In WTIP’s “Northern Sky”, Deane shares what there is to see in the night sky in our region.
February 13 - 26, 2021


38 Below_photo by Fran Smth

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - February 12

Wildersmith on the Gunflint      by     Fred Smith
February 12, 2021    

While most of the upper Midwest has been under some version of a winter spell, for listeners outside of the Arrowhead, all Gunflint residents, man and beast, have been reeling in days of below nothing temps.                                                                                                               

As I cautioned last week, the February gal, can easily loose her sense of humor. She lost all control as last weeks’ report hit the air. Since that time, cold up this way has been spelled with a capital “C.” Things about us have become “clearly crystalized.”                                                                                                                                              

Since we last met on the radio, and were on the plus side of “naught” I’ve been counting the hours of sub-zero readings here at Wildersmith. Climbing out of the icebox may happen by this briadcast, but if not, we could be looking at nearly a couple hundred consecutive hours of below zero. Several years ago I remember counting one hundred seventy plus hours of bitterness, so that would be a new record at 325.                                                                                       

How cold has it been?  Well I had one early morning low of minus 38 while most around the area reported in the high twenties below. Regardless, a few degrees either way is attention grabbing and has been relentless.  Needless to say, the wood burning stove has been glowing on over time after having been a part-timer since last October.                                                  

It’s been so cold, my only out door trips have been daunting; to replenish the seed trough, run (drive) to the mail box and countless woodshed treks. As the sounds of the holiday season have faded from memory, sounds of a bitter cold spell take on an eerie and sometimes grizzly resonance of distinction.                                                                                                                                                                

During my recent out door treks, I hear bark of frozen trees cracking, lake ice shivering with adjustment screeches, the deck around the house popping and creaking, raspy crunching under foot with every step and the ever present wind in the pines, whistling a reminder not to stay outside too long. These are brittle winter reflections, amazing north-country realities seldom if ever heard in the hubbub of suburbia.                                                                               

Four legged critter activity around the place has slowed to almost nothing. Since the mercury took its dive, few tracks of night time visitors have pierced the last delivery of snow. My red rodent friends are the only furry critters to show of late. Often with frost coated eye lashes, they adapt well by spending most of their time munching with their backs to the wind or inside cozy lunch box feeders.                                                                                           

Meanwhile, tough avian regulars have not missed a meal, loading up on the elements to see them through the nighttime cold. Their daytime visits are quick and to the point. If there is any lingering, feathers are fluffed up as insulators, and often times, frost on their faces and beaks confirms what they are enduring. They show unbelievable grit during these moments of frozen time. Almost makes one shiver watching them through the window.                                     

Surely this long weekend of hearts and chocolates will at least revive shivering souls with warm romantic thoughts. Another opportunity to squelch the cold weather blues is to join in the fun of the Gunflint Trail Historical Society’s On-Line silent auction, “Sweethearts fun for “21. It runs through this weekend, ending mid-night on this coming Tuesday, the 16th. To join in, go to the Chik-Wauk Museum Facebook page for a review of the bidding array.                                      

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, with all residents humbled and linked by the sudden power of “old man winter.”


Landour_Photo by Noemie Leprince-Ringuet

Minnesota to India audio postcard shared on WTIP

“To Minnesota with Love” is an audio-postcard series by Christina MacGillivray with stories from around the world produced exclusively for WTIP.

Christina is a transplant from Minnesota to India where she has lived for eight years. She produces films in different countries and “To Minnesota With Love” are stories from these travels.

She returned to Minnesota at the beginning of the pandemic and recently discovered a surprising connection between Minnesota and Landour, India.



North Woods Naturalist: Cold snap and critters

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist and she joins us periodically to report on what she’s seeing in our woods and waters right now.


Wildersmith Let it Snow

Wildersmith on the Gunflint - February 5

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith
February 5, 2021  

It seems as though we’ve missed something. Oh yes, that’s it, the first week of month two has slipped by nearly un-noticed. This being the case, I’m betting most of us paid no attention to the fabled “Ground Hog” day.                                                                               

It’s any ones guess as to whether “Woody the Chuck” ventured out around Gunflint territory. Regardless of sun or no sun and shadow or no shadow, the legendary critter surely will have forecast an earlier than usual spring, based on another warm cover that’s been hovering over border country.                                                                                              

The area had a brief sampling of real north woods cold, during January’s last gasp. It was finally seasonably cold, with one night of minus thirty and in the mid-twenties below a couple mornings prior, real Zamboni conditions. Although this bitterness slipped back toward the Arctic, causing drippy icicles over the past few days, it sounds like the thermometer yoyo is heading back down as this report hits the air.                                                                            

Meanwhile, Gunflint neighborhoods were re-decked out in white last weekend. The heavenly flakes did not pile up with any gusto, but the add-on around Wildersmith was nevertheless welcomed.                                                                                               

The new fluff did little to alleviate our overall lack of stored moisture. But it’s amazing how the beautiful flocking of white puffs on pine green made for cheerier feelings with us observers. And, it couldn’t have come at a better time for the John Beargrease Marathon sled dogs, to come dashing through the snow.                                                                     

So February’s off and rollin’, and although it’s been relatively mild since taking the stage, her mind for comfort might diminish with little notice. She’s known to have lost her sense of humor in years past.                                                                                                 

While I’ve been whining for several weeks about the areas’ deficient snow, the anomaly seems not to be a one and done situation. Climate researchers are giving account to widespread decreases in lasting snow accumulations across northern forests of the US, since the mid 1960’s. A study by researchers at the University of New Hampshire reports that part of the US has been losing an average of 3.6 snow covered days per decade. (Dybas, Nat’l. Wildlife). And it is well known what’s been happening in other places, for example, the diminishing ice pack in Glacier National Park during the past 100 years.                                                              

I have no accounting for Minnesota on this snow issue, but our location in the northern forest would likely place us in similar latitudinal inclusion. Regardless of where one might be located in northern latitudes, this is an ecological dilemma for everything living in the world under snow. This subnivium is “nature’s igloo”, natural insulation for both flora and many fauna species. (Dybas, Nat’l. Wildlife).                                                                                 

So while my affection for the season of white is based solely on the beauty, peace and purity of this awe inspiring landscape, the dearth of snow is problematic for all humanity from a scientific point of view.                                                                                                          
While we have opportunity to make life style changes that can initiate a reversal of dismal climatic predictions, the question is; “do we have the will to do it”? In the meantime, away from the scientific aspects of the current situation, Gunflinter’s might be doing a little snow dancing!                                                                                                                         

Local musher, Erin Altemus, and her dogs, was leader of the Beargrease teams coming into the Trail Center check point after one day into the Marathon. A great race to the finish, late day Tuesday, found first and second but seconds apart.  Alaska musher, Erin Letzring edged Ryan Redington, also of Alaska, by a mere seven seconds, while the Altemus team completed the over three hundred trip with a fine fourth place finish.                                                       

Congratulations to Erin and all the competitors who took part in honor of John Beargrease and his historic mail delivery runs of days long ago. And thanks to all the local volunteers who helped with the Gunflint Trail leg of the Beargrease journey.                             

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, still waiting for the late arriving, great northern express!
