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Join the WTIP News Staff for a program packed with news, music and some humor.  This program covers politics, local news and issues. DayBreak airs 7-8 a.m. on weekdays.

What's On:
The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

LSProject: Trafficking & Lake Superior Part 5

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Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is a crime that happens everywhere – even here in northeastern Minnesota. In this edition of the Lake Superior Project, we present part five of a five-part look at the issue of sex trafficking on Lake Superior and in its surrounding area.

The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

LSProject: Trafficking & Lake Superior Part 4

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Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is a crime that happens everywhere – even here in northeastern Minnesota. In this edition of the Lake Superior Project, we present part four of a five-part look at the issue of sex trafficking on Lake Superior and in its surrounding area.

The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

LSProject: Trafficking & Lake Superior Part 3

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Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is a crime that happens everywhere – even here in northeastern Minnesota. In this edition of the Lake Superior Project, we present part three a five-part look at the issue of sex trafficking on Lake Superior and in its surrounding area.

The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

LSProject: Trafficking & Lake Superior Part 2

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Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is a crime that happens everywhere – even here in northeastern Minnesota. In this edition of the Lake Superior Project, we present part two a five-part look at the issue of sex trafficking on Lake Superior and in its surrounding area.

The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

LSProject: Trafficking & Lake Superior Part 2

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Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is a crime that happens everywhere – even here in northeastern Minnesota. In this edition of the Lake Superior Project, we present part two a five-part look at the issue of sex trafficking on Lake Superior and in its surrounding area.

The Lake Superior Project / logo by Lauryl Loberg (Photo by Stephan Hoglund)

LSProject: Trafficking & Lake Superior Part 1

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Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is a crime that happens everywhere – even here in northeastern Minnesota. In this edition of the Lake Superior Project, we begin a five-part look at the issue of sex trafficking on Lake Superior and its surrounding area.


Polymet publishes SDEIS, public comment period opens

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On Friday, December 6, Polymet released their Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) for public comment. Duluth News Tribune reporter John Myers has been following the Polymet story for several years, and he joined WTIP's Jay Andersen on Daybreak to tell us more about Polymet's plans and what's next for the project.


ISD 166 to add second high school Special Ed instructor

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The YMCA is nearing completion, the high school will have a second Special Education instructor, and more news is happening in and around ISD 166! Superintendent Beth Schwarz joined WTIP’s Gary Atwood on Monday’s Daybreak to fill us in on the latest from our local school district.



BCBS updates, a certification survey and more discussed at recent hospital meeting

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The Cook County North Shore Hospital & Care Center recently held its regular board meeting. WTIP’s Gary Atwood spoke with Administrator Kimber Wraalstad on Friday’s Daybreak program about some of the highlights from the meeting.

Crowd gathered at Cook County Courthouse to hear Special Prosecutor Thomas Heffelfinger. Photo by Carah Thomas

Change of venue granted in Scannell case

Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell appeared in court this morning in Grand Marais for a Rule 8 hearing, after being indicted on Thursday, October 31, on two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. The hearing comes several months after the Attorney was accused of an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old girl.
Attorney Joe Tamburino represented Scannell at the hearing. Tamburino asked for the next court date to occur sometime in January. 6th Judicial District Chief Judge Shaun Floerke presided over the hearing. Floerke denied the two previous motions by the defense, including a request to dismiss the indictment, as well as a request that no 6th district judges preside over the case.
The defense and prosecution requested a change of venue to Duluth at the hearing. The prosecution also asked the judge to continue the conditions of release, including no contact with witnesses about the case.
Floerke granted the change of venue and the prosecution’s request. The judge also stated that they would convene at a later date to determine the following court date, which will occur in January.