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Superior National Forest Update: May 1

Hi.  I’m Steve Robertsen, interpretation and education specialist on the Superior National Forest, with this week’s edition of the National Forest Update - information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Forest. For the week of May 1st, here’s what’s going on around the Forest.
As you’re driving, you’ll find that the county spring load restrictions are still on.  That means that while there are a few timber sales going on on Tofte and Gunflint, there’s no hauling.  It’s not just the roads which have restrictions, some ATV routes are not open due to spring muddy conditions.  Driving your ATV on muddy trails not only risks a few hours digging it out, but it will damage the trail and create a whole lot of work for someone later to rebuild it, so drive with caution even if the route is theoretically open. 
Soft roads aren’t the only thing that could affect your travel.  You also might run into some of our spring prescribed burns.  You might encounter smoke, vehicles, and fire crews on the roadway.  Areas where this is occurring will be clearly marked, so please take it slow as you pass since visibility might be restricted and there could be pedestrians.
Speaking of fire, there will be open houses on fire safety and awareness on May 4th at the Finland Volunteer Fire Department, May 11th at the Gunflint Ranger Station, and May 12th at the Schaap Community Center on the Gunflint Trail.  All those open houses are from 4 to 6 pm.  You will be able to learn what our 2015 fire outlook is, what prescribed burns are planned, and more about wildfire and fire preparedness.  They are open houses, so you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions and talk to our fire personnel. 
Some of the prescribed burns happening now are to maintain wildlife openings in the forest.  Many kinds of animals from butterflies to moose benefit from these opening.  The shrubs that grow up in openings are also great for our migrating birds, more of which are arriving daily.  The dawn chorus of bird song seems louder all the time.  One voice in that chorus, the one that has the bass line, isn’t a migrant, it is the ruffed grouse doing a drum solo.  Our wildlife people have been conducting grouse drumming surveys, and the preliminary results seem to indicate that this has been a pretty good year for grouse, climbing toward a peak in their cycle. 
In addition to burning, planting begins this week.  White pine and some red oak are being planted along the North Shore in an effort cooperatively funded by a Conservation Partner’s Legacy grant and partnerships with the Forest Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.  Additional partners include the Sugarloaf Stewardship Association, The State of Minnesota, The Nature Conservancy and the North Shore Forest Collaborative.  To minimize deer browsing, these trees will be fenced, so this planting will take a lot of effort.
Opening fishing weekend is coming up.  Ice is out of most area lakes, though some of the lakes up the Gunflint Trail and to the northeast are still ice covered.  Most of that ice is pretty rotten though, and should go soon.  As the lakes open, docks are being put in, and campground water supplies are being turned on and serviced.  The fee season for campgrounds should start in the next week or so with the turning on of the water.  Check our website or at a ranger station to find out the current status of our campgrounds when planning on a trip. 
If it is a Boundary Waters trip you are planning, today, May 1st, marks the start of the quota season.  You will need a permit issued at a ranger station or cooperating business for overnight travel in the Boundary Waters.  Self-issued permits are still available at entry points for day use. 
As you can tell, there is a lot happening on the Forest in the spring.  Check our website and ranger stations for current conditions and updates, and then get out there and enjoy the spring!  Until next week, this has been Steve Robertsen for National Forest Update.



Superior National Forest Update: April 17

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Hi.  I’m Brie Schueller, fire management specialist on the Superior National Forest, with this week’s edition of the National Forest Update -  information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Forest. For the week of April 17, here’s what’s going on around the Forest.
Currently, roads are fairly clear of snow and ice, but they are still pretty soggy from the meltwater.  County road restrictions due to the soft roads have stopped most timber hauling operations on the Forest.  Some cutting of timber is still going on, but the work is mostly within the units and doesn’t involve hauling on the roads.  That means that these spring days are nice for exploring the Forest without having to be too concerned with large truck traffic.  You do have to be concerned with the same road conditions that have kept the trucks off the roads.  Soft shoulders and mud are the obvious problems, but a recent drive showed just how alert you need to be while driving.  On that short drive, in two spots, trees whose roots had loosened in the soft soil had blown over across the road.  In other spots, the road had sunk sufficiently to create an area that was less a bump and more of a jump ramp.  Drive with care, road conditions vary greatly and hazards appear with very little forewarning this time of year.
If you are looking for early camping, you need to know that while snow is off most major roadways, many smaller camping areas still have snow over campsites and access roads.  Camping is possible, but in the spring before our fee season begins, campers will not have water or garbage pick-up in campgrounds, and outhouses may not be accessible.  The fee season begins when the water systems can be turned on, usually around mid-May.
Spring migrant birds are coming through in larger numbers each day.  Juncos, vultures, robins, and grackles are just a few of the birds that have arrived over the past two weeks.  Red winged blackbirds are calling in the Twin Cities, but I have yet to hear one up here.  Bears are awake and walking about.  People who are feeding the migrating birds need to make sure to bring in bird feeders and store bird food securely so they don’t end up feeding the bears.  The best way to deal with bear encounters is to avoid them in the first place by making sure food, garbage, and other attractants are not where bears can get them.
It is the mud season, and the spring bird season, but it is also the spring fire season.  Conditions remain dry throughout Minnesota and multiple red flag warnings have been issued this week in our area.  A red flag warning is issued when there are weather conditions that can cause extreme fire behavior.  These conditions include a combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures.  On these red flag days, people need to be extremely careful with fire.  Most people are not aware of it, but there have already been multiple small fires on the Superior this spring, and most of these were somehow ignited by human activity.  You may not think of fire danger because you can still see some patches of snow in the woods, but open areas with brown dry grass will readily carry fire.  There are many of these areas along the Lake Superior shoreline.  During spring, as the last of the snow melts and before the trees green up, is a prime time for fire, particularly in the absence of rain.  Our fire personnel, along with state DNR and local firefighters, will be monitoring conditions closely, but it is up to you to help by reporting any possible fires to 911, and by preventing any accidental ignitions.  Right now, the Superior National Forest has firefighters and engines assisting the Chippewa National Forest to the west in their firefighting efforts but we also have crews on standby locally, just in case. 
Enjoy our spring weather, and until next week, this has been Brie Schueller with the National Forest Update.


Superior National Forest Update: April 3

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Hi.  I’m Amy Wilfahrt, wildlife biologist on the Superior National Forest, with this week’s edition of the National Forest Update  -  information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Forest. For the week of April 3, here’s what’s going on around the Forest.
If you are headed out to enjoy a last ski in the winter woods, you may have waited a bit too long.  There is still some snow out there, but there isn’t a lot and what is there is going away pretty fast.  But, if you are planning on paddling anywhere, you’ll have to wait a bit longer.  There is still a lot of ice on the lakes – over two feet on many of them.  It is softening though, and you will have to be careful if you are venturing out on the ice.  It is not very predictable this time of year.
If you are out driving, there are a couple of logging operations going on.  One is off Forest Road 170 on the road to Wilson Lake and another on the Trapper’s Lake Road near Isabella on the Tofte District.  On the Gunflint side, there is one operation off the Greenwood Lake.  Due to the spring thaw making gravel road beds mushy, the county and Forest have imposed load limits on roads which means that even with these logging operations, there is not much in the way of truck traffic right now.  So, you don’t have to watch for large trucks as much, but you do have to watch for washouts, crumbling shoulders, and water over the road. 
Many of the roads that were not plowed during the winter are still impassable due to snow, ice, or soft roadbeds.  Plowed roads have been thawing and refreezing, and may be icy in spots.  One small advantage of our dry spring is we’ve had virtually no washouts this year, but be aware that some roads are very mushy in low spots.  When in doubt, get out and check before driving over suspiciously soggy spots.
Those dry conditions may make for good spring driving, but it also makes the forest ripe for fires.  Until the thunderstorm season starts, virtually all spring fires on the forest are started by people.  That means that despite the dry conditions, we can avoid wild fires, if we choose to.   If you are using fire, be very careful this spring to make sure that it is controlled.  We’ve had some really windy days, and the combination of low humidity, lack of rain, and high winds mean that what normally would be a safe fire could easily get away from you.  While snow cover makes for little fire danger in some areas, the shore of Lake Superior is actually at critical fire danger this weekend.  On the west side of the Forest, the snow is gone and there has already been one eleven acre wild grass fire.  On our east side, let’s see if we can have zero human caused wild fires this year.
Out in the woods, wildlife is noticing the spring.  Robins have shown up in the area, and eagles are sitting on hatching eggs or nestlings.  Melting snow banks on the road sides have exposed the winter’s accumulation of dead deer, and crows, ravens, and eagles are gathered to enjoy the feast, creating a uniquely north woods traffic hazard.  Where else do you need to brake for low flying eagles?
Enjoy our spring weather, and until next week, this has been Amy Wilfahrt with the National Forest Update.


ISD 166 School Board sets calendar

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A finalized school calendar, industrial arts expansion news and the Knowledge Bowl Team advances to state.  WTIP’s Jana Berka spoke with ISD166 Superintendent Beth Schwarz on Daybreak.  



Superior National Forest Update: March 20

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Hi.  I’m Steve Robertsen, education and interpretation specialist on the Superior National Forest, with this week’s edition of the National Forest Update  -  information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Forest. For the week of March 20th, here’s what’s going on around the Forest.
First and foremost, it’s official!  It is now spring!  Three big celestial events happened on March 20th.  If you happened to be in Northern Europe, you got to see a solar eclipse, but it happened at the wrong time of day for us over here.  There also was what is called a Supermoon, which happens when the moon is at its closest point in its orbit to Earth.  The Supermoon on the 20th happened when the moon was new and not visible, so that’s two events we couldn’t actually see.  So, the most important event for us in Minnesota was that the 20th was the spring equinox.  Day and night on the equinox are exactly the same length, but from then on, days will be longer than nights until September.  That’s something we can actually see!  The equinox marks the official beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere!
Also in astronomical news, a large solar storm took place this week.  While the storm wasn’t visible, it caused beautiful northern lights.  With that storm subsiding, there is less of a chance of an aurora, but the possibility lingers, making it worth going outside before bedtime.
Despite astronomy saying it is spring, there is still some winter left out there.  Cross country ski trails up the Gunflint Trail are still open and actually not bad skiing.  At the time of recording, Pincushion ski trails are also still very skiable, and even the Sugarbush area down near Tofte has a 3 to 6 inch base.  Be on the lookout for bare spots though, nothing will stop you faster than hitting grass at the bottom of a hill.
If you are out driving, there are a couple of logging operations going on.  One is off the road to Wilson Lake on the Tofte District, and the other is off the Greenwood Lake road on the Gunflint District.  Due to the spring thaw making gravel road beds mushy, the county has imposed load limits on county roads which means that there is not much in the way of logging truck traffic right now.  While this means you don’t have to watch for large trucks as much, it also means you have to watch for washouts, crumbling shoulders, and water over the road.  Since we didn’t have much snow this past winter, conditions are better than they are some springs.
Most roads that were not plowed during the winter are still impassable due to snow.  Plowed roads have been thawing and refreezing, and with cold weather anticipated this weekend, they will probably be very icy in spots.  One of our people reported that some plowed roads were so icy, it was hard to even walk on them.  Enjoy spring, but keep a watch for those remaining bits of winter!
With all the snow and ice, you are probably not thinking of forest fires.  Our fire people are already preparing for the spring fire season though.  The prediction is that this will be a warm and dry spring, nice for hiking, but also good for accidental fires.  Until May when we start to get thunderstorms, humans are the only source of wild fires, and conditions predict a higher than normal potential for fire.  We’ll be talking more about this in weeks to come, but the main message will always be to be careful with fire.  As Smokey says, only you can prevent wild fires.
While we’ve seen signs of raccoons, I have yet to hear a report of a bear being up and about.  But, this is the time for the bruins to start waking up.  If you have bird feeders out, it is also the season to start taking them in at night, unless you really want bears to take them down for you.  Gulls have returned as well, and it just makes me feel warmer when I hear the cries of the gulls as I walk the shore.
Enjoy the gulls and the Forest, and until next week, this has been Steve Robertsen with the National Forest Update.


Superior National Forest Update: March 13

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NOTE:  Seasonal road restrictions are now in effect (as of 12:01am Friday March 13th) and will continue for a minimum of eight weeks.  All Cook County roads are limited to 5 tons per axle unless otherwise posted. More information is available from the Cook County Highway Department at 387-3014. 

This Sarah Poznanovic, biological science technician on the Tofte Ranger District, with this week’s edition of the Superior National Forest Update  -  information on conditions affecting travel and recreation on the Tofte and Gunflint Districts of the Forest.
For the week of March 13th, here’s what’s happening on and around the Forest.
The most obvious thing going on all over is that temperatures have warmed and the snow is melting!  There is still inland snow, but conditions are getting to be pretty hazardous for skiing.  Trails alternate between ice and slush, so you either are going too fast on ice, or making a sudden stop when you hit slush.  Many trails are listed as open, but conditions are changing fast.  A good alternative to trails for a workout is to ski on lakes because bare ice is a lot easier on skis than rocks.  Of course, the ice is melting too, but most lake ice is still pretty thick… for now.  Don’t take anyone’s word for it though, do your own checking and make sure that the ice is thick enough before you venture out onto a lake.  Ice should be at least 4” thick to safely walk on, and it is also recommended that you have ice picks along with you.
Most snowmobile trails are listed as open by the DNR as of March 5th, but again, trail conditions are changing rapidly.  Check the DNR website before you head out for up to date information.  Bring along what you need to pull your sled out of slush if you get mired.  And, of course, use your good judgment.  If the trail is listed as open, but all you see is dirt and rocks, you can assume that route isn’t one to travel on.  Remember that cross country travel on a snowmobile requires at least four inches of snow on the ground to be legal.
Our gravel roads are also getting soft this time of year, particularly on the shoulders.  This means to really watch for truck traffic as it will be harder for either you or the truck to pull to the side.  There is still hauling taking place on the Tomahawk Road, 4 Mile Grade, Lake County 7, and possibly the Honeymoon Trail, so be on the look out for log trucks, especially along those routes.
We’ve seen water across some roadways due to clogged culverts, a pretty common occurrence this time of year, even on major roads like Highway 61.  Water on the road is always worth slowing down for, since you never know how deep it may be.
So far, this has sounded a lot like a list of ‘watch out’s and ‘be careful’s.  But, even though spring around here is known as the mud season and comes with some warnings, there are a lot of reasons to get out and enjoy the forest.  Skiing in short sleeves can be a lot of fun, and the smell of warm soil after a cold winter is always great.  It won’t be long until spring migration begins, and chickadees are already singing their short but sweet two note spring song.  Soon we’ll be seeing the first robins arriving for the year and chipmunks emerging from hibernation.
Enjoy the warm weather and what may be the last bit of our winter season.  Until next week, this has been Sarah Poznanovic with the Superior National Forest Update.


Superior National Forest Update: February 20

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Hi.  I’m Cathy Peterson, Administrative Support Assistant for the Tofte district of the Superior National Forest, and this is the National Forest Update for the week of February 20th.  As we ease out of February into March, it may seem that spring is right around the corner, but we know up here that there is plenty of winter left to go.
There have been enough small snowfalls now that ski and snowmobile trails are in pretty good shape, thanks to the grooming done by our trail partners.  Be sure to respect trail use designations though, there isn’t a lot of snow to repair ski trails marred by snowshoes or snowmobiles.
Some visitors to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on recent weekends may have been surprised by groups of students winter camping.  The culminating event for an outdoor recreation course for several Twin Cities schools is a trip to the Boundary Waters in the middle of winter.  Students learn how to adequately prepare for extreme weather conditions and overcome the challenges of winter camping.  They also learn the rewards of what is really a wonderful time to camp.  If you’ve never been winter camping in the Boundary Waters, you’d do well to learn from these students and give it a try…properly prepared, of course.  The two big advantages are that you can pretty well eat as much as you want, and there are no bugs at all!
There is logging activity going on in the Forest outside of the Boundary Waters.  In the distant past, almost all logging was done in the winter when logs could be slid out on sledges traveling ice roads and across frozen rivers and lakes.  Now we log in the summer as well, but winter is still a good time for timber harvest.  Watch for traffic on the Tomahawk, Four Mile Grade, and Trappers Lake Road.  Also, remember that almost any plowed side road was probably plowed for logging traffic.
If winter has you down, it may cheer you up to realize that there are some signs of spring around.  Owls have laid their eggs, and some may be starting to hatch.  Denning bears usually give birth in late January, so there are probably cubs around in the bear dens.  Even better, we’re up to 10 and a half hours of daylight, up from a mere 8 and a half in December.  We still have two hours to gain before the spring equinox around March 21, but we’re half way there.
For now though, keep thinking snow, and enjoy the winter.  Until next time, this is Cathy Peterson for the Superior National Forest Update.



Superior National Forest Update: February 6

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National Forest Update February 5th, 2015
Hi.  I’m Jon Benson, Recreation Specialist for the Tofte and Gunflint Ranger Districts.  I’m here today with the Superior National Forest Update.  For the week of February 5th, here’s what’s going on around the Forest.
Winter recreation on the Superior National Forest is in full swing.  Along the shore snow levels are making some of the snow-based winter recreation opportunities more difficult to groom, but thanks to some excellent work by our ski and snowmobile trail partners, all trails are currently open.  Skiers and snowmobilers on trails close to the lake may see some areas with minimal snow cover, but the fact that there are so few of these areas is a tribute to the hard work of dedicated ski and snowmobile volunteer groups.  As a reminder, skiers on any of the major trails near the shore are required to have a Great Minnesota Ski Pass.  The small fee for these passes goes directly into helping volunteer groups maintain these trails so it is well worth the $20 annual pass.
On the lakes, we have been hearing reports of a great start to Lake Trout season.  As usual, please use caution when walking on frozen lakes.  We recommend that anyone planning to travel on the ice not do so by themselves but if you must, make sure that someone knows where you will be and when you plan to return.  For those hardy fishermen and women out there, please make sure that your car is fully off of the road when you venture on to the ice so that plows and other vehicles can get through. 
The winter camping season is also going strong.  For those of you who partake in this activity, or for those that simply want to have a fire while out on the ice, please look for dead and down trees away from the shoreline.  I realize that this is a little more work, but cutting seemingly dead trees along the shoreline results in visual impacts to summer paddling trips.  We have been seeing some evidence in the BWCAW of freshly cut cedar trees along the shorelines of lakes.  Please remember that the rule for gathering firewood is to seek out dead and down trees.
While driving, you can expect logging traffic on the Mark Lake Road, Caribou Trail, Swamp Lake Road, Cascade River Road, Cook County 45, Cook County 7, Bally Creek Road, Devil Track Road, Ball Club Road, The Grade, Gunflint Trail, South Shore Drive, and Meridian Road.  There is a short stretch of the Gunflint Snowmobile Trail on the Meridian Road south of Devil Track Lake that will be used for hauling activity.  Use caution in this area, and watch for signs indicating logging traffic.  Hauling is only permitted Monday through Friday on this section of trail, but snowmobilers should use caution when sharing the road with log trucks.
If folks are recreating in the area between Isabella and Ely, extra caution should be used on the Tomahawk Trail.  Three timber sales are currently being harvested on the Kawishiwi Ranger District and hauling traffic is present on the Tomahawk Trail from the junction of Filson Creek and the Spruce Road (Forest Road 181) to Nickel Lake.  Logging activity is expected to continue through the end of March.
In other news, District reforestation personnel are currently making plans for this spring’s planting season.  District personnel have recently ordered seedlings and tree seed for the 2015 planting and aerial seeding program.  This upcoming spring, over 270,000 seedlings will be planted across 900 acres on the Tofte and Gunflint Ranger Districts.  Planting activities will aid in the reforestation of previously harvested sites, as well as enhance wildlife habitat in non-harvested poorly stocked stands (especially for moose).  Float planes will be used to aerial seed 61 pounds of black spruce, jack pine, paper birch, and red pine on 265 acres of formerly harvested stands.  In addition, winter shearing activities will begin shortly on 65 acres to prepare sites for planting in the Spring.”
I hope you all have an excellent weekend and you can get out and enjoy the outdoors.  Until next week, this has been Jon Benson with the Superior National Forest Update.


Superior National Forest Update: January 23

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Hi.  I’m Steve Robertsen, interpreter on the Gunflint and Tofte districts of the Superior National Forest, and this is the National Forest Update for the week of January 23rd.  If, or hopefully when, you get outside to explore the Forest during this this last week or so of January, here’s some things you may want to know.
It’s no news that we have less snow than last year.  While we have less snow, right now most cross country ski trails are open and either groomed or hand tracked.  That may change, there is sleet and freezing rain in the forecast.  The best source for information is our website with its links to our individual trail partners who do the grooming.  It is probably worth a quick check before you head out, just so you know what to expect.
Skiing on lakes has been excellent though.  Most lakes have a thick ice layer, and there is minimal slush.  I did say “most” and “minimal” though.  Whenever you are on ice keep your wits about you and be ready to deal with slush pockets, pressure ridges, and other potential hazards.  Bring your ice picks, rope, spare clothes, and if at all possible, a partner to ski with.
Sharing the lakes with the skiers are the people ice fishing.  With warmer temperatures and less snow on lakes, it is a pretty good winter for fishing.  If you are driving to the lake, keep a couple of things in mind.  One is that while there is less snow, there is enough now that even large pick ups will get bogged down and stuck on unplowed roads.  Don’t take chances - if the road isn’t plowed, it means no one will be driving down it to rescue you.  When you do park your vehicle, make sure that you don’t block the road.  We’ve also had some “rogue plowing” going on.  You are not allowed to plow Forest Service roads without a permit.  Permits are free and can be obtained at the Gunflint or Tofte Ranger Stations, and help us keep track of the road system conditions.
If a road is plowed, it probably means a timber sale is going on.  Watch for truck traffic near Mark, Pike, and Thompson Lakes in the the Gunflint District, and near White Pine and Outlaw Lakes in Tofte. 
Starting January 25, the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon will bring mushers and spectators into the woods as well.  There will be road signs indicating race crossings, as well as for lots of pedestrians in some areas.  And of course, there will be dogs as well - this event is a great reason to get out and see some wonderful canine athletes.  Best of luck to all of them.
You can start reserving Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness entry permits for the summer on January 28th at   Right now, if you go into the Boundary Waters, you still need a self-issued permit, available at the entry point, but it is not too soon to start planning for your summer trips.

Keep thinking snow, and enjoy the winter.  Until next time, this is Steve Robertsen for the Superior National Forest Update.


Superior National Forest Update: January 9

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Hi.  I’m Steve Robertsen, interpreter on the Gunflint and Tofte districts of the Superior National Forest.  It’s a new year, and time for a new edition of our National Forest Update.
Even though it has been a light snow winter so far, there is getting to be enough of the white stuff to have some fun outside.  There is less snow along the shore of the big lake, but inland there is enough for skiing.  Even some of the trail systems nearer the lake are beginning to be packed even if not groomed.  There are convenient links to most of our trail partners’ websites from the Superior’s National Forest website, providing you with a fast way to find up-to-date information on trail conditions.  We’ll hope for continuous improvement in the snow department as January goes on.  There was enough snow for a successful run of the Gunflint Mail Run dog sled race, and we have our fingers crossed that later this month we’ll see a good running of the John Beargrease dog sled race as well.
If you are traveling by snowmobile instead of dog sled, be aware that you need 4 inches of snow cover to travel cross country.  Many of the local trails are closed or only in poor condition, but a few are listed as fair condition according the Minnesota DNR website.  We have links to those trail conditions as well.  Watch out for those exposed rocks as you ride - the snow cover is pretty inconsistent right now.
With the light snow cover, driving in the Forest is a whole lot easier than it was last year.  Be aware that if a smaller Forest Road is plowed, it is an indication that there is logging activity ahead and there may be trucks.  The Forest Service itself doesn’t plow the roads, so a plowed road means something is happening ahead.  As always, make sure you are prepared with a winter safety kit in your vehicle.
I’ve recently seen a repeated post in social media complaining “Why do I live where the air hurts my face?”  Well, the answer to that is winter is what you make of it.  There is breathtaking beauty in the winter woods, from crystal clear stars at night to snow laden pine trees during a snow fall.  There are plenty of things to do outside in the winter, and if it is too cold, it provides the perfect excuse for curling up with a book and hot chocolate.  Our winters here may sometimes hurt your face, but they are worth it if you make the effort to enjoy them.  You can see other posts about winter and the Forest, with no complaining, if you visit the Superior National Forest’s new Facebook page while you’re sitting there with the hot chocolate.  It’s another way you can be part of the Forest, even if you‘re in your family room at home.
Keep thinking snow, and enjoy the winter.  Until next time, this is Steve Robertsen for the Superior National Forest Update.