North Shore Morning
- Monday 8-10am
- Tuesday 8-10am
- Wednesday 8-10am
- Thursday 8-10am
- Friday 8-10am
News and information, interviews, weather, upcoming events, music, school news, and many special features. North Shore Morning includes our popular trivia question - Pop Quiz! The North Shore Morning program is the place to connect with the people, culture and events of our region!
Wildersmith on the Gunflint - March 12
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
March 12, 2021
It’s been a slow news week as March and spring are striding along the Trail hand in hand with the second week of month two, coming to an end. Winter, in the meantime, has withered away in border country after what has barely been a five-month appointment. At the moment, cold season 20-21 is about six weeks short of what we might normally expect.
Winter beauty remains once one departs the grungy look of receding roadside snow mounds and crud in congregations of community living. It is so refreshing to turn onto the Mile O Pine or other backcountry roads and be greeted with the pristine of crystal, even knowing its future is pre-determined. The grace of living where few people tread is beyond memorable in many ways.
While there is still snow on the ground and ice on the lakes along the International Border, temps this week and other characters of the seasonal transition tell a different story.
Added to the drippy rooftop edges and spots of slushy snow, the roller coaster ride along our Scenic Byway is sporting dips that will rock your molars if hit at full speed. So earthly warming started around tree roots a week or more ago has extended to depths of roadside culverts as frost is starting to seek a way out.
Another item of vernal notice is the return of crows to Gunflint neighborhoods. A “murder” of the ebony beauties has been scrounging around the yard in recent days and carrying on yackety-yak conversation in the treetops.
Also in the winged world, a couple of those “Minnesota Chicken Birds” (grouse) have been hanging out up in the Mile O Pine tree tops nibbling on soon-to-be, birch, and aspen buds, as crusty snow is complicating nutritional gathering at ground level.
The third confirmation is not a component of “Mother Nature’s” doing but is decided by man-kind. Saturday night before bedding down, it’s time to “spring ahead” with our clocks. Guess this is man’s attempt to jump-start the season of re-birth in advance of the Equinox, although we all know, it’s a self-serving intention. Somehow, I wonder if we really ever recover the hour misplaced year after year when we “fall back.” Those hours seem to always get lost in the mayhem of our daily lives.
This time of year can be identified as being hazardous to one’s health. The scene applies to both people on foot and humans behind the wheel. Our slow meltdown has backcountry roads, driveways, and walking paths in the mode for accidental falls and skids. Daytime melting and nighttime re-freezing can make for wicked glazing. Whereas we will be donning bug nets in a few weeks, right now is the time to slow down, watch your step and pull on those ice grippers if you live in the north woods. Be safe and remain upright!
Speaking of things that happen on snow, it would appear the days of power sledding dwindling fast. Sledding trails that can be viewed from the Gunflint blacktop look to be getting quite beat up from not only the traffic but also from the beaming rays of sunshine. Unless there is a late-season surge of white, those howling machines will soon go to off-season storage. Meanwhile, cross-country skier opportunities remain viable although the snow may be sticky in places where the sun pierces the shade.
With a closing note, remember the voice of the northland has you covered “Night and Day.” Keeping WTIP alive and well depends heavily on listener/member support. The “Night and Day” spring membership renewal kicks off this coming Wednesday, March 17th, and runs through noontime on the 22nd.
Be ready to “spring” into action with a call-in or on-line show of affection for this connection to the “Riviera of the north.” The little radio station that always thought it could, still can, with continuing efforts from our growing family of listeners.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, as life out here in the slow lane is extraordinary.
The Retrievers - Amy Addy
-North Shore Morning host Mark Abrahamson talks with Amy Addy from The Retrievers - an organization dedicated to helping reunite lost pets with their family. j
In this edition, Amy talks about efforts to find "Rowdi," a golden retriever who went missing in February from the Tofte area.
Notes from Reservation River - Jess Koski
-Writer Jess Koski is a Grand Portage tribal member and dispatches his “Jessays,” from his home on the shore of Lake Superior, in Chi Oni Gaming.
In this edition of Notes from Reservation River called "The Last Wave", Jess remembers his uncle Gene.
North Shore Health Care Foundation Update - Valerie Eliasen
-North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with North Shore Health Care Foundation Director, Valerie Marasco-Eliasen about the March board meeting.
She covers topics including: NSHCF is offering free postcards to the community to send "thank you's" to health care workers, recognizing new and retiring board members, and the continuing work on NSHCF's priorities.
Border Route Trail Assoc. Update
-North Shore Morning host, CJ Heithoff talks with Tyler Jones for an update on the Border Route Trail Association and plans for BRT maintenance projects in the spring.
Skywarn Spotter Training Classes
-North Shore Morning host, CJ Heithoff talks with the Warning Coordination Meteorologist with NOAA / National Weather Service, Joe Moore about the Skywarn Spotter Training Classes that will be offered virtually and at no charge in April.
For more information:
Wildersmith on the Gunflint - March 5
-Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
March 5, 2021
Month three came onto the scene with a below zero chip on its shoulder. However, it soon withered into a more lamb like mood as we close week one.
I guess this would indicate secrets of spring lie in the now crusty snow subnivium. One of those secrets has already been revealed around Wildersmith. The hollowing of snow from around the base of trees in the yard is already underway. Obviously warmth is beginning to stir in the bowels of “mother earth” inspiring juices of life to move through the roots skyward.
The nicer days of late have been quite appealing to ice anglers. A fantastic fish story was shared with me since we last met. A pair of locals hit the Gunflint Lake ice a week ago Tuesday. The two settled in a favorite spot for a few hours of line wetting, as usual, not knowing what to expect.
Catching was nil for a period of time so they moved a short distance and plugged the twenty-four inches of ice for another try. This time fortunes were better as one soon called “fish on.” It was an apparent big one, running and battling for about ten minutes before being brought to the hole. Delirium soon led to dismay, as the wily denizen of the deep could not be brought through the ice, eventually breaking line and was off. Fish one, catcher nothing!
Disappointed, the day ended, but enthusiasm was not deterred. The next morning, Wednesday, the two were off again. This is when luck changed for the better. A big hit was called and the battle was on once more as the other fisherman fought the battle. This day, the fish got up in the hole and was gaffed onto the ice, a magnificent, forty-one inch northern.
This is when the unexpected was discovered. The lure and leader of the previous days encounter were found snagged in the side of this monster. Tackle lost was found. What a Day!
However, the unusual was not over, and back to jigging. It was not long when another hit was alerted. This time, resulted in a fine lake trout being iced. And as wonders of fishing are forever happening, the catcher discovered a lure he had lost on another day, in this trout’s gullet.
This is their story, and they’re sticking to it. I think it could be an epic fish story for the ages, or at least, “fish tale of the year”, so far. Talk about being fortuitous, these two should have hustled to town and bought a “Power Ball” ticket. It was their lucky day, but just another wondrous Gunflint Country adventure! Y
ours truly has also found the warm-up to my liking. The wood shop is now tolerable for sawdust making. It’s been some time since I’ve been able to crank up the cold saw without a howling complaint.
So a project that has been on hold is now taking shape, along with splitting fingers from fiddling with dry wood and trimmings. While there is nothing more comfortable than sitting by the wood burning stove, shaping something from wood is more enriching than burning it. On a closing note, the Smiths’ have finished their second round of COVID vaccinations with only minor moments of discomfort and fatigue. However, we will remain masked and in the distanced mode until the all clear word is sent out to all America.
Along with many other Cook County residents, we are so thankful for the highly organized and comforting administration from the County Health Department with support of the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic and hundreds of caring volunteer hours. What a team, super job, and keep up the good work with our tip of the Arrowhead friends and neighbors.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is good, unbelievably good!
Money Matters - Scott Oeth
-North Shore Morning host, CJ Heithoff talks with Scott Oeth about debt and investments in this edition of "Money Matters"
TIP Jar Fund grants nearly $50K to local musicians
-North Shore Morning host CJ Heithoff talks with Mary Somnis about the TIP Jar Fund. To date, the fund has granted nearly $50,000 to 100 musicians adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Live Music Returns to Papa Charlie's
-The Wednesday Songwriter Series is back at Papa Charlie's at Lutsen Mountains bringing live music back to the venue for the first time in 12 months.
WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with Marketing Director, Jim Vick about COVID-19 safeguards put in place and the music schedule for the Songwriter Series.