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Wildersmith on the Gunflint - March 5

IceFisherman_photo carlos grury santos via unsplash
IceFisherman_photo carlos grury santos via unsplash

Wildersmith on the Gunflint     by     Fred Smith
March 5, 2021    

Month three came onto the scene with a below zero chip on its shoulder. However, it soon withered into a more lamb like mood as we close week one.                                                                

I guess this would indicate secrets of spring lie in the now crusty snow subnivium. One of those secrets has already been revealed around Wildersmith. The hollowing of snow from around the base of trees in the yard is already underway. Obviously warmth is beginning to stir in the bowels of “mother earth” inspiring juices of life to move through the roots skyward.               

The nicer days of late have been quite appealing to ice anglers. A fantastic fish story was shared with me since we last met. A pair of locals hit the Gunflint Lake ice a week ago Tuesday. The two settled in a favorite spot for a few hours of line wetting, as usual, not knowing what to expect.                                                                                                                                   

Catching was nil for a period of time so they moved a short distance and plugged the twenty-four inches of ice for another try.  This time fortunes were better as one soon called “fish on.” It was an apparent big one, running and battling for about ten minutes before being brought to the hole. Delirium soon led to dismay, as the wily denizen of the deep could not be brought through the ice, eventually breaking line and was off. Fish one, catcher nothing!                        

Disappointed, the day ended, but enthusiasm was not deterred. The next morning, Wednesday, the two were off again. This is when luck changed for the better. A big hit was called and the battle was on once more as the other fisherman fought the battle. This day, the fish got up in the hole and was gaffed onto the ice, a magnificent, forty-one inch northern.             

This is when the unexpected was discovered. The lure and leader of the previous days encounter were found snagged in the side of this monster.   Tackle lost was found. What a Day!              
However, the unusual was not over, and back to jigging. It was not long when another hit was alerted. This time, resulted in a fine lake trout being iced. And as wonders of fishing are forever happening, the catcher discovered a lure he had lost on another day, in this trout’s gullet.                                                                                                                                                
This is their story, and they’re sticking to it. I think it could be an epic fish story for the ages, or at least, “fish tale of the year”, so far. Talk about being fortuitous, these two should have hustled to town and bought a “Power Ball” ticket. It was their lucky day, but just another wondrous Gunflint Country adventure!                                                                                                         Y
ours truly has also found the warm-up to my liking. The wood shop is now tolerable for sawdust making. It’s been some time since I’ve been able to crank up the cold saw without a howling complaint.                                                                                                                                           

So a project that has been on hold is now taking shape, along with splitting fingers from fiddling with dry wood and trimmings. While there is nothing more comfortable than sitting by the wood burning stove, shaping something from wood is more enriching than burning it.    On a closing note, the Smiths’ have finished their second round of COVID vaccinations with only minor moments of discomfort and fatigue. However, we will remain masked and in the distanced mode until the all clear word is sent out to all America.                                            

Along with many other Cook County residents, we are so thankful for the highly organized and comforting administration from the County Health Department with support of the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic and hundreds of caring volunteer hours. What a team, super job, and keep up the good work with our tip of the Arrowhead friends and neighbors.                            

For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is good, unbelievably good!
