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WTIP talks to Soil & Water Conservation District candidates

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Cook County Soil & Water Conservation District
Cook County Soil & Water Conservation District

 Although soil and water conservation districts have been around for decades, not everyone knows what it is that the district does. And voters may not have any idea who to vote for to represent them. WTIP recently checked in with two citizens who are running to serve on the Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District (Cook SWCD) District 2 seat, Claron Kragness and Stan Tull.

Also on the 2018 ballot is David Berglund, who is running unopposed for the District 4 seat.

According to the Cook SWCD, the mission of the district is to improve water quality in Cook County by fostering responsible land use and by controlling soil erosion and non-point source pollution.

Here’s Rhonda Silence with the candidates to hear their understanding of the Soil & Water Conservation District mission and to hear why they want to serve. Scroll down and click below on each of the candidate interviews.