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WTIP speaks with director of NERC about local jail

Northeast Regional Corrections Center image. Submitted photo
Northeast Regional Corrections Center image. Submitted photo

There is a great deal of discussion taking place in Cook County about a proposed expansion of the local jail. The county board and staff continue to consider options for any possible expansion.
In a 2017 report from Arrowhead Regional Development Commission that examines if local jails in the region would need to expand, it was cited that a possible reason not to expand the jail in Cook County would be to: “Utilize the Northeast Regional Corrections Center (NERC) to take additional sentenced detainees as well as presentenced and pretrial detainees. NERC had an average of 40 empty beds per day in recent years.”
WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs spoke with NERC Director Phillip Greer about how an inmate from Cook County might arrive to the facility and the proposed jail expansion.
