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WTIP shares the latest law enforcement report

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The following is a record of calls made to the Cook County Law Enforcement Center from February 13 – February 19. These are the initial calls made to law enforcement dispatchers.
If you need help from Cook County Law Enforcement, dial 9-1-1. For non-emergency calls, contact the Cook County Sheriff's Office at 218-387-3030.

Monday, February 13
5:38 a.m.  Grand Marais  Caller states the individual in the apartment below him is yelling for help.
7:13 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport.
7:25 a.m.  Lutsen  Safe routes to school with bus No. 8 to look for stop arm violations.
8:06 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport.
8:18 a.m.  West Highway 61, Lutsen Traffic stop, citation issued.
8:28 a.m.  Cascade Lodge  Black SUV parked on the lake side of the highway near this location partially blocking the eastbound lane. 
8:51 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center  Party would like a call back.
8:59 a.m.  East Highway 61 Reporting a computer scam. 
9:44 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center  Deputy finger printing party. 
9:48 a.m.  Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport. 
10:48 a.m.  Bucks Hardware, Grand Marais  Party found a little black and white dog running loose. She will keep the dog for now if someone calls. Dog has no tags but a pink collar. 
12:33 p.m. East Highway 61, Grand Portage  Ran into a deer near this location.
12:57 p.m. West Highway 61  Reporting a driver ahead of her crossed over the lines. 
1:06 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport.
1:41 p.m. Lutsen Mountains Eagle Mountain, east side near the top of Charlotte’s Web 
2:30 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
2:31 p.m. 7th Avenue, Grand Marais  Large dog hanging around the area, owner was able to retrieve dog.
2:33 p.m. The Grade/Lutsen Checking on truck parked for 1 1/2 week. 
3:06 p.m. Shoreline Motel, Grand Marais  Guest turned in a wallet that they found by the beach. 
3:19 p.m. Bally Creek Cabins Party reporting snowmobile tracks going past the cabins and on the ski trails.
3:20 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport.
4:21 p.m. Genes Foods, Grand Marais Someone hit the back of her vehicle in the parking lot, does not have any idea who it was no note left. 
4:56 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  UA for probation. 
6:05 p.m. County Road 6, Grand Marais Party loading vehicle on trailer 
6:08 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party requests a callback. 
6:34 p.m. Poplar Creek Drive  77-year-old male drove his car into the ditch 
8:15 p.m. West 5th Street/5th Avenue  Caller states the stop sign has been knocked down at this intersection. Highway Department notified. 
9:52 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  State Patrol stated party was looking for Burmese mountain dog. Last seen around the Gene’s Foods. 
11:30 p.m. East Highway 61  Traffic stop, warning given.
Tuesday, February 14
7:08 a.m. West Highway 61, Tofte Removing dead deer from westbound lane of Highway 61. 
8:08 a.m. Holiday, Grand Marais Elderly man seen driving erratically, into the wrong traffic lane twice 
9:10 a.m. West Highway 61  Party hit small deer west of this location. Unsure where deer is now. 
9:13 a.m. Grand Marais 2 puppy dogs 1 black, 1 brown; no collars running around behind Century Link building.
9:32 a.m. West Highway 61 Requesting to talk to a deputy.
11:58 a.m. Sawtooth Mountain Elementary DARE class, 3rd grade.
1:06 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport. 
1:09 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  No one on the line. On 2nd callback snowboarder answered and said it was a butt dial. No emergency.
2:40 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport.
2:45 p.m. Cook County High School Female student fell. Medical assistance needed.
3:11 p.m. Grand Marais  Receiving unwanted calls from fundraiser.
3:15 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Civil process attempt.
4:20 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Received permit to carry application.
6:23 p.m. Isak Hansen & Sons, Lutsen Deer that has been hit, laying injured in the south bound lane. Minnesota State Patrol to dispatch. 
10:38 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party arrested on Cook County warrant 
Wednesday, February 15
8:01 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport.
8:04 a.m. Cook County High School School patrol.
9:42 a.m. West Highway 61  Injured deer near this location 
9:57 a.m. Hughie’s Tacos, Grand Marais  Party reporting vehicle parked in front of their establishment since yesterday 
12:57 p.m. Lutsen  Giving a party a ride home.
1:41 p.m. West Highway 61, Schroeder Vehicle broken down at Temperance River parking lot and is backed into a spot.
2:35 p.m. Cook County Recycle Center Inmate transport.
3:50 p.m. West Highway 61 Hit deer. Vehicle disabled, partially blocking traffic lane. Transferred caller to State Patrol.msp 
4:24 p.m. Cook County Whole Foods Co-op, Grand Marais  Female in red Subaru yelling at her dog. 
4:40 p.m. Cramer Rd, Schroeder  Caller would like to speak to a deputy. 
11:04 p.m. West Highway 61, Schroeder 62-year-old female some difficulty breathing. Medical help needed. 
Thursday, February 16
2:12 a.m. North Shore Health, Grand Marais  Male party on 911 trying to get help at hospital for asthma problems, but nobody was there so he left. Cook County advised him to buzz at the ER door after hours and gave directions to the correct door and location of the buzzer.
8:05 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Inmate transport. 
8:43 a.m. Birchwood Apartments, Grand Marais Party is knocking on door.
9:01 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Stopped in about visitation. 
12:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Hang up from 911 phone only.. 
12:44 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Would like a call back.
1:11 p.m. Grand Portage  Assisted Human Services.
1:54 p.m. Johnsons Foods  Stated saw party driving with revoked licence. Silver pickup. 
3:30 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  MN drivers license found at Holiday in Grand Marais dropped off
4:15 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Requesting that Chief Deputy Sandstrom call him back.
7:29 p.m. Happy Acres Drive/West Highway 61 Reporting a deer/car accident, no injuries.
Friday, February 17
4:07 a.m. Ski Hill Rd/West Highway 61 Injured deer on the highway about 1/2 mile west of this intersection. 911 transferred to Minnesota State Patrol. 
7:40 a.m. Walter Rd, Grand Marais Power outage. Heard a big bang. 
8:02 a.m. Cramer Rd, Schroeder Reporting unauthorized use of her new vehicle.
9:45 a.m. Grand Portage  Child protection.
10:12 a.m. East Highway 61 A gray green 4-wheeler parked at the edge of his property. Engine cold. Unknown who it belonged too. 
10:56 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party in for UA.
12:04 p.m. Devil Track Road, Grand Marais Received call. No sounds of distress in background. Cook County tried calling back, went to voicemail. 
2:08 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party requests a callback.
2:16 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party in for fingerprinting.
2:42 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, citation issued.
2:57 p.m. Lutsen Mountains Injured male. 
4:44 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
4:57 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Party turned himself in for weekend sentence. 
5:42 p.m. East Highway 61 A Canadian hit a deer and the vehicle is disabled. Unsure of what to do. Info passed to Minnesota State Patrol. 
6:03 p.m. Cascade Beach Road/West Highway 61 Caller hit a deer. Did not want a deputy. Husband will be dispatching the animal and they will take it home. They will stop in for a DNR tag.
6:08 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
6:19 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
6:35 p.m. Benny’s Collision Center, Grand Marais Business check.
7:06 p.m. Mile O Pine Drive  Party lost her purse downtown by the Holiday station. Purple nylon purse.
7:44 p.m. Ski Hill Road/West Highway 61, Lutsen  Out with broken trailer.
8:09 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
8:21 p.m. West Highway 61, Lutsen Traffic stop, warning given.
10:24 p.m. Law Enforcement Center  Requested deputy give a call back. 
Saturday, February 18
1:17 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
9:34 a.m. Best Western Superior Inn, Grand Marais Delivery driver hit one of their vehicles.
10:11 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
10:18 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
11:11 a.m. Grand Portage  Civil process attempt.
11:16 a.m. West Highway 61, Tofte  Received call. Sounded like walking in background. No sounds of distress. Called and party stated it was a pocket dial and apologized. 
11:27 a.m. Grand Portage Lodge  Walk through.
12:01 p.m. Grand Portage Lodge  Walk through.
12:54 p.m. Super America, Grand Marais 2 people got hit by truck. 
2:10 p.m. Lutsen Mountains 59-year-old male with cardiac problems.
3:09 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt.
3:17 p.m. Grand Marais  Civil process attempt,
4:18 p.m. Tofte Homestead Drive, Tofte Fire alarm, false alarm.
4:39 p.m. Cutoff Rd, Grand Marais  Party will be shooting at this location. Just wanted us to know in case of any calls.
5:28 p.m. Sawtooth Lumber, Grand Marais  Hit deer. Windshield shattered, deer on side of road 
6:48 p.m. US Forest Service/ Devil Track Campground Minivan on the snowmobile trail off the Devil Track Lake campground, in about 100 yds. Single male in his 40s.
9:05 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
11:11 p.m. Cascade Lodge & Resturant, 2uno  Needs medical help for 40-year-old diabetic.
11:21 p.m. North Broadway, Grand Marais Foot patrol in business district.
Sunday, February 19
12:54 a.m. Caribou Highlands Lodge, Lutsen Needs medical help for 31-year-old female. Has been drinking heavily.
1:00 a.m. Grand Portage Request for a deputy for a fight in the casino. 
6:30 a.m. Law Enforcement Center  Would like to speak to a deputy.
8:03 a.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
8:33 a.m. East Highway 61, Grand Portage  Traffic stop, citation issued.
8:57 a.m. East Highway 61, Grand Portage  Traffic stop, citation issued.
9:10 a.m. Grand Marais Received some harassing text messages last night and concerned about them.
9:31 a.m. Grand Portage  Civil process attempt.
10:39 a.m. Lutsen Mountains Injury at Lutsen Mountains terrain park.
10:50 a.m. Lutsen Mountain Shop Found drivers licence. 
10:54 a.m. Gunflint Trail  Lost brown cocker spaniel found at this location. Cook County gave phone number for Animal Allies.
10:55 a.m. West 5th Street, Grand Marais Power out. Heard loud pop and sees a dead squirrel.
11:17 a.m. East Highway 61, Grand Portage  Traffic stop, citation issued.
11:27 a.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
12:53 p.m. West Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
1:17 p.m. YMCA  Ambulance requested for pool incident. Ambulance cancelled.
2:15 p.m. Lutsen Mountains 12 year old male with lower leg leg fracture.
2:20 p.m. East Highway 61 Traffic stop, warning given.
2:21 p.m. Store Rd, Grand Portage  Black truck driving all over the road.
2:25 p.m. Grand Portage  911 phone only. Just heard kids talking in background. No signs of distress. Unable to call back. 
2:41 p.m. Co Rd 44, Grand Marais Heard loud bang and the power went out. 
6:05 p.m. West Highway 61 Burglar alarm, lobby door, false alarm.
6:45 p.m. Voyageur Brewing, Grand Marais  Had a group of guys saying they were going to have some drinks and then go take a canoe and paddle to Five Mile Rock. Deputy will keep an eye out for them.
8:33 p.m. Grand Marais water tower Tan colored Chrysler - swerving all over the lane.
9:01 p.m. Gunflint Trail  Traffic stop, warning given.
9:31 p.m. East Highway 61  Traffic stop, warning given.
91:59 p.m. Caribou Highlands Lodge, Lutsen Intoxicated female guest fell, has laceration. Ambulance needed.
10:51 p.m. Grand Marais  Reporting suspicious activity. Cancel, unfounded.