Wildersmith on the Gunflint - September 13
Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
September 13, 2019
The Ojibwe, “wild rice” moon will illuminate the northland this weekend as we close down week two of the month. Fall has taken a big step forward along the byway over the past seven.
Serious colors are poppin’ like corn in a kettle. With steady changes by the day, it’s a good bet there’ll be plenty of gold in “them thar” Gunflint hills as this scoop hits the air waves. Taking this autumnal advance forward a little more, golden flakes are beginning to descend along the Mile O Pine. Other items of note include some striking scarlet maples in isolated locations and a progression of golden seed cone clusters on the white cedar population.
While our seasonal occurrences’ continue to unfold, border country weather has been mostly dismal. Patches of sun and blue have been minimal, giving way to gray heavens and several shower opportunities. Couple the wetness with daytime temps in the fifties to sixty range and we’ve had days to encourage jackets, hats, even gloves and a hint of wood stove smoke.
The cool days of late are not to be taken with too much dismay. Conditions of wildfire danger are holding in the moderate to low levels. As this has not always been the case at this time in recent years, I’m not winterizing the wild fire sprinkler system just yet. A dry spell could still be in the cards. While every day in the woods is great something positive can still be said for cold gray skies and dark lake waters.
Speaking of lake waters, temps are falling to the point where any human entry will take one’s breath away. At our Wildersmith dock the mercury was in the mid-fifties as of last weekend. It’s not too early to caution boaters and paddlers of hypothermic dangers as temps continue the spiral toward hard water. Be safe and take no chances that might endanger yourself or those who would have to rescue.
Stacking firewood is the current chore on my “getting ready for winter” list. The supply of un-split is now done and into the shed while another pile of previously split is awaiting placement, all of which is for winter 2020 and 21. So I will be many times warmed by the time this is put away and before it’s turned into ashes next heating season.
Whereas family vacation activity along the Trail has diminished, it’s a swell time of year for the last paddle of the season. There must be many such folks still out in the wilderness based on traffic parked in the various outfitter parking lots. We can look for more visitors in the next few weeks as “leaf peepers” join in a trek up the Trail for a glimpse of our north woods tapestry. It’s a bounty beyond description!
Another prize in this magical forest remains open for viewing at end of the Trail. While there was some misinformation floating about, the Chik-Wauk Museum Campus is serenely spectacular and inviting through October 19th, MEA weekend.
Nature Center programming has a couple more interesting events on the calendar. This Saturday, the 14th, Peg Robertson will be enlightening attendees on “Bats”, and I don’t mean those used by the Twins. The presentation will begin at 2:00pm.
On a closing note, it’s with sadness the Gunflint Community mourns the loss of a good friend and neighbor. Alice Weck, age 82, passed from our midst recently after a courageous battle with difficult health issues. Alice was born in Kansas City, Mo and lived in Ohio before moving to Minnesota and retiring in paradise, with her dear friend Biz at Voyageur Point on Polar Lake in 1998. Alice was active in mid-Trail activities and will be remembered for her ever present and welcoming smile.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, on the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, full of charm and adventure!