Wildersmith on the Gunflint - October 15
Wildersmith on the Gunflint by Fred Smith
October 16, 2020
Surpassing the half way mark of month ten, finds autumn activities are slowly grinding to a halt. Even though fall, by the calendar, is not quite a month old, “leaf peepers”, hikers, fisher people and back country paddlers are coming to grip with the idea favorite warm season ventures are about done. Here at Wildersmith, with barely a hand full of golden tokens hanging on, I’m watching two Birch trees outside my window for the last leaf of summer.
Yes, hunters are still out in the woods, but for all practical purposes, this complicated 2020 summer is history. A few summer businesses have closed and others will be following suit real soon. Getting close to the shoulder season, those with winter operations will be pausing to catch their breath and gear up for activity in the season of white.
The county will be alive one more time this weekend as the annual “Moose Madness” events will capture the attention of visitors from around the state. While most activities take place in Grand Marais, traffic along the Gunflint By-Way will likely be busy in hope live moose will come out of the forest for some photo ops. For a complete schedule of events, check out the website at Cook County Visitors Bureau (CCVB).
In case the “real McCoy’s” don’t show along the Trail or back country roads, folks can come on up to the Nature Center at Chik Wauk and get an up close look at the new moose exhibit. The moose recently donated by a generous Gunflint Lake family is a handsome dude and very photogenic. The donors called him “Mickey Moose”
Speaking of Chik Wauk, the Campus facilities will be closing the doors for the season after Sunday. Museum hours are 10:00 ‘til 5:00 while the Watercraft Exhibit Building and Nature Center are open this Saturday only, 11:00 ‘til 4:00.
Atmospheric happenings in the territory have been of little consequence since our last gathering around the radio. A positive rain fall in this neighborhood during the past few days dampened the landscape and likely enhanced the essence of the season. Meanwhile, temps were neither too warm nor too cold, but several gusty days made a sweater or sweatshirt feel comfy.
WTIP members are reminded of the annual organizational meeting this coming Monday, October 19 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be “Virtual” as a Zoom or telephone Webinar. Go to WTIP.org for link information on connecting ID numbers.
The annual report will be given, and members will vote for 2020-21 Board of Director candidates. This is an important meeting in light of the COVID-19 situations affecting your community radio station over the past nine months, so please join in!
Notice is also given in regard to the Fall Membership drive. The five and one-half day event commences this coming Wednesday, October 21, and continues until noon on Monday the 26th. As nearly every aspect of our daily lives has been altered since last February/March, the same is true of life at WTIP, thus making this campaign for member support even more critical than past solicitations.
While millions have been infected by this tragic virus, there are few Americans who have not been linked into related economic strains. The WTIP Board of Directors, staff and your fellow members hope all will be able to step up in some way----- either as a new member or with a renewal of your patronage.
The theme of this fall endeavor is “Phone a Friend.” Since mutual friends help friends, please give us a call when the drive opens next Wednesday or sooner, if you would like.
As studios remain closed to the public due to this Pandemic, operators will be waiting for your call at 218-387-1070 or 1-800-473-9847. Of course pledges are also accepted on line at WTIP.org and click on the pledge now button.
For WTIP, this is Wildersmith, along the Gunflint Trail, where every day is great, as the awe of nature favors solace and inspiration!